Inna Cum Ar Fi? english translation

Inna Cum Ar Fi? song lyrics
Inna Cum Ar Fi? translation
Trece timpul si inteleg ca trece
The time passes and I understand that passes
Dragostea dar nu pe langa mine
Love, but it doesn't pass me by.
O simt atat de tare imi face bine
I feel it so strongly and it makes me feel good,
Imi face gandul meu sa zboare
It makes my thought fly
In cap la mine
Inside my head.
Numai vise colorate tu le colorezi pe toate
Only butterflies, only colourful dreams, you colour them all,
Tu ma chemi ma duci departe si uit de mine
You call me, you take me far away and I forget myself,
Uit de lume uit de toate
I forget the world, I forget everything.
De cand cu tine am inceput sa cred in povesti
Since I'm with you I've started to believe in fairy tales,
Nu n-am nevoie sa ma intelegi
I don't need you to understand me,
Mi-ajunge ca ma iubesti
For me it's enough that you love me.

Cum ar fi sa plece toata lumea sa ramaneam doar noi
What would it be like if the whole world disappeared and there remained only the two of us,
Sa-ti spun ca ti-as faca un copil sau doi
If I told you that I'd give you a child or two,
Sa mergem la tine dar nu unde stai
If we went at your place, not where you live,
ci acolo la tine unde copilareai
But where you spent your childhood,
Sa stam in gradina de acasa
If we stayed in the garden of your house
Si nimeni sa nu ne mai grabeasca
And nobody would make us hurry anymore.
Ne indragostim fugim si facem prostii
We fall in love, run away and make silly things
Ca dragostea ne transforma in copii
Because loves turns us into children.

N-am nevoie de daruri ci am anevoie de basme
I don't need gifts, but I need fairy tales.
Stiu ca tu esti langa mine la orice pas
I know that you are by my side at my every step,
Am nevoie de cuvinte simt ca ma iubesti
I need words, I feel that you love me.
Vreau dor sa ramai cine esti
I only want that you remain who you are,
Vreau sa fii tu asa cum esti acum
I want you to be as you are now,
Sa fiu eu firul de faza si tu sa ramai pe nul
So that I am the phase wire and you remain at zero,
Ca poate imi zboara capul prea departe in nori
Because maybe my head will fly too far in the clouds,
Si tu sa fii acolo cand e nevoie sa cobor
And you will be there when I need to go down.

Am inceput sa cred in povesti
I've started to believe in fairy tales,
Prind aripi cu tine prind aripi
I spread my wings, with you I spread my wings.
Si filmul tau e filmul tau si amandoi
And your movie is my movie and we two
Suntem la fel gandim doar pentru noi
Are the same, we just think for ourselves.
Prind aripi cu tine prind aripi
I spread my wings, with you I spread my wings.

Cum ar fi sa plece toata lumea sa ramaneam doar noi
What would it be like if the whole world disappeared and there remained only the two of us,
Sa-ti spun ca ti-as faca un copil sau doi
If I told you that I'd give you a child or two,
Sa mergem la tine dar nu unde stai
If we went at your place, not where you live,
ci acolo la tine unde copilareai
But where you spent your childhood,
Sa stam in gradina de acasa
If we stayed in the garden of your house
Si nimeni sa nu ne mai grabeasca
And nobody would make us hurry anymore.
Ne indragostim fugim si facem prostii
We fall in love, run away and make silly things
Ca dragostea ne transforma in copii.
Because loves turns us into children.