Iklim Namun Ku Punya Hati english translation

Iklim Namun Ku Punya Hati song lyrics
Iklim Namun Ku Punya Hati translation
Senyumku tak seghairah
My smile is not as passionate
Gerak gaya tidak selincah
Motion style not agile
Mataku tak seayu
My eyes not beautiful
Kicau burung pun tak semerdu
Birds chirping was not as melodious

Namun ku punya hati
But i have heart
Juga gayaku perasaan
Also my style feeling
Hidupku yang begini
My life is like this
Kadar waktu diizin Tuhan
The time in the grace of god

Tidak ku minta
No i ask
Lahir ke dunia
Born into the world
Tidak kuduga
I did not expect
Sakit begini
Ill like this

Bukan kuminta
Not me ask
Kasih dan manja
Love and pampered
Bukan ku rayu bantu simpati
Not my persuasion help sympathy

Maafkan wahai sayang
Forgive my dear
Kumenumpang di sudut hatimu
I stayed in the corner of your heart
Mencari ketenangan
Looking for peace
Sampai masa ku pergi jua
Until the time i go too