Hijjaz Sumayyah english translation
Hijjaz Sumayyah song lyrics
Hijjaz Sumayyah translation
Lirik Lagu Sumayyah – Hijjaz
Song Lyrics Sumayyah - Hijjaz
Instrument ...
Dalam diri selembut sutera
With a heart as soft as silk
Kau memiliki iman yang teguh
you had a strong faith
Kau nyalakan obor agama dirimu bak lentera
you light the torch of your religion like a lantern
dibelengu jahiliah kau tempuh dengan berani
traveled with ignorance plagued you dare
Walau pun jasadmu milik tuan
even if your body belongs to your master
Tetapi hatimu milik Tuhan
but your heart belongs to Allah
Padang pasir menjadi saksi
the desert become the witnesses
ketabahan keluarga itu
perseverance of the family
Tika suami dan anak dibaring mengadap mentari
the moment husband and son were laid facing the sun
Disuruh memilih iman atau kekufuran
asked whether to choose faith or blasphemy
Samar jahiliah atau sinaran akidah
a faint ray of ignorance or faith
Sabarlah keluarga Yasir
be patience Yasir's family
Bagimu syurga di sana
heaven's there for you
Dan kau pun tega memilih syurga
and you too rigid to choose heaven
Walau terpaksa mengorban nyawa
even had to sacrifice the lives
Lalu tombak yang tajam menikam
then a sharp spear stab
jasadmu yang tiada bermaya
your weak body
Namun iman di dadamu sedikit tidak berubah
but faith in your chest does not change
Darahmu menjadi sumbu pelita iman
blood into a lamp wick faith
Sumayyah kaulah lambang wanita solehah
Sumayyah you're the symbol of the righteous woman
Tangan yang disangka lembut
Surprisingly soft hands
menghayun buaian
swinging the cradle
Mengoncang dunia mencipta sejarah
shake the world made history
Sumayyah kau dibunuh di dunia sementara
Sumayyah you were killed in the world for a while
Untuk hidup di syurga yang selama-lamanya
to live in heaven's forever
Kaulah wanita terbaik, sebaik manusia
you're the best women, as good human
Namamu tetap menjadi sejarah
your name become the history
Muzik Klimaks...
Music climax ...
Sabarlah keluarga Yasir
be patience Yasir's family
Bagimu syurga di sana
heaven's there for you