Hey! Say! JUMP Ride With Me english translation
Hey! Say! JUMP Ride With Me song lyrics
Hey! Say! JUMP Ride With Me translation
No doubt ボクらの未来なんだ
no doubt, it's our future
it's fine if you paint it your own colors
Can you ride with me, ride with me? (Ride with me)
can you ride with me, ride with me? ( ride with me)
Baby, can you ride with me, ride with me? (Com'on baby, yeah)
baby, can you ride with me, ride with me? ( com'on baby, yeah)
We gotta go now ボクらの時代なんだ
we gotta go now, it's our era now
it's fine if you live life with your chest out proudly
恐れるものなんてない 今すぐにRide with me
there's nothing to fear, right now, ride with me
we flip to the channels and see the news, but
ほらぶっちゃけこっちの方がニューっす! (For sure)
see, speaking what's in your mind are the better news! ( for sure)
わかるだろ? This is how we do
you get it don't you? this is how we do
始まってる新時代 大人の言う事信じない
our new era is beginning, can't believe in what adults say
Surviveするため誰か蹴落とす? No way (No way!!)
in order to survive, we have to defeat another? no way ( No Way!!)
もう必要ない So
it's no longer needed, so
Let's (Let's) ride (ride) The time is now
let's ( let's) ride ( ride) that time is now
I said let's (let's) ride (ride) The time is now
I said let's ( let's) ride ( ride) that time is now
isn't it fine to get all fired up
our bodies are contained, but our minds are free
the obvious thing of the past as well no longer matter
it's fine if you make our own path
the things that hurt us have no such meaning
it's good enough
to seize it all with this hand,
We can get it all
we can get it all
No doubt ボクらの未来なんだ
no doubt, it's our future
it's fine if you paint it your own colors
Can you ride with me, ride with me? (Ride with me)
can you ride with me, ride with me? ( ride with me)
Baby, can you ride with me, ride with me?
baby, can you ride with me, ride with me?
the bubble is already gone
目覚めればそこは大都会 鳴り止まない騒音
if you open your eyes to the hopeful ringing sound of the metropolis
平成 It's the break of dawn
heisei it's the break of dawn
生まれたらもうRed zone
once born, it's already in the red zone
自分で選んだわけじゃないんだろ I know, you know (We? ow)
it's not like you chose it for yourself I know, you know( we? ow)
You're not alone だからほら
you're not alone that's why, so
Let's (Let's) ride (ride) The time is now
let's ( let's) ride ( ride) that time is now
I said let's (let's) ride (ride) The time is now
I said let's ( let's) ride ( ride) that time is now
trying to fit in with rest is a waste
右向け右 そんで What you gonna be?
right for right, and so what you gonna be?
we won't listen to the vague sermons any longer
it's good to show the way to the future
anyone can be happy
なれるさ きっと
you no longer have to compete
this is the last straw
is it our fate to live troughout
the light less world?
even if you look back they'll be no answer
there's no more time to worry
a new light is shining down upon us
No doubt ボクらの未来なんだ
no doubt, it's our future
it's fine if you paint it your own colors
Can you ride with me, ride with me? (Ride with me)
can you ride with me, ride with me? ( ride with me)
Baby, can you ride with me, ride with me? (Com'on baby, yeah)
baby, can you ride with me, ride with me? ( com'on baby, yeah)
We gotta go now ボクらの時代なんだ
we gotta go now, it's our era now
it's fine if you live life with your chest out proudly
恐れるものなんてない 今すぐにRide with me
there's nothing to fear, right now, ride with me