Hello Sleepwalkers Shinwa Houkai english translation
Hello Sleepwalkers Shinwa Houkai song lyrics
Hello Sleepwalkers Shinwa Houkai translation
無償の愛にビジネスの香り お前の好きな札束の香り
The scent of business for selfless love, the scent of bank rolls you love
ちょっと待って ちょっと待って 異議異論は根拠なしで反逆
Hold on a minute, hold on a minute-the dissents, objections revolt without grounds
ケチな手品 タネ明かしすれば 搾取 略取 それだけが真実
Once you reveal those cheap tricks, it'll be extortion, abduction-only that is the truth
ちょっと待って ちょっと待って 気付かない太ったカモばっか
Hold on a minute, hold on a minute-nothing but fat ducks who don't recognize it
続々増殖していく 盲信過信 マシンのよう
Blind acceptance and overconfidence increasing one after another, like machines
続々増殖していく 盲信過信 マシンのよう
Blind acceptance and overconfidence increasing one after another, like machines
ワケアリの神様 隠蔽体質
An imperfect God's predisposition is to keep things secret
ああ ひとり 印税生活
Aah, alone, living royally
NO WAY, NO HOW 奇妙奇天烈 お前は何様?
No way, no how-a very strange happening, are you someone of importance?
成りすましてる明朗快活 反論は言論弾圧
Pretending to be cheerful and openhearted, your arguments are censorship
ナンマイダ ナンマイダ ナンマイダ アーメン アーメン
Lord have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, amen amen
I'm saying no God can save you
台本の通り良く出来たハナシ 裏側には曲がったイデオロギー
Your stories go well according to your script, but your ideology's warped on the other side
ちょっと待って ちょっと待って 異議異論は根拠なしで反逆
Hold on a minute, hold on a minute-the dissents, objections revolt without grounds
幸福論 こじ付けてみ見下ろす どの口が生み出したヒエラルキー
Distorting the theory of happiness, you look down on us. You've created a hierarchy with any kind of word
ちょっと待って ちょっと待って 気付かない太ったカモばっか
Hold on a minute, hold on a minute-nothing but fat ducks who don't recognize it
続々増殖していく 盲信過信 マシンのよう
Blind acceptance and overconfidence increasing one after another, like machines
続々増殖していく 盲信過信 マシンのよう
Blind acceptance and overconfidence increasing one after another, like machines
放つ暴走思想 さあどうしよう
Reckless ideology firing off, what should we do?
ワケアリの神様 隠蔽体質
An imperfect God's predisposition is to keep things secret
ああ ひとり 印税生活
Aah, alone, living royally
NO WAY, NO HOW 摩訶不思議 お前は何様?
No way, no how - a profound mystery, are you someone of importance?
成りすましてる明朗快活 反論は言論弾圧
Pretending to be cheerful and openhearted, your arguments are censorship
ナンマイダ ナンマイダ ナンマイダ アーメン アーメン
Lord have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, amen amen
I'm saying no God can save you
振りかざした免罪 暴いたら神話崩壊
Once the pardons you've brandished are disclosed, the myth will collapse
仮面の下の正体 暴いたら神話崩壊
Once your true colors under the mask are disclosed, the myth will collapse
ワケアリの神様 隠蔽体質
An imperfect God's predisposition is to keep things secret
ああ ひとり 印税生活
Aah, alone, living royally
NO WAY, NO HOW 奇想天外 お前は何様?
No way, no how-a fantastic idea, are you someone of importance?
成りすましてる明朗快活 反論は言論弾圧
Pretending to be cheerful and openhearted, your arguments are censorship
ナンマイダ ナンマイダ ナンマイダ アーメン アーメン
Lord have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, amen amen
I'm saying no God can save you
ナンマイダ ナンマイダ ナンマイダ アーメン アーメン
Lord have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, amen amen