Happiness Bright Blue ~私の瑠璃色~ english translation

Happiness Bright Blue ~私の瑠璃色~ song lyrics
Happiness Bright Blue ~私の瑠璃色~ translation
やっと出逢えたのよ そして あなただけを好きになったの
I finally was able to meet you and I ended up liking you
ねえ夢の中で 抱き合ってるみたい
Hey, it seems that we embrace each other in a dream

私 どこか大人びている子だってね(昔から 言われてたの)
I am somehow like a grown up kid (I was told from a long time ago)
本当は知らないこと溢れてる I am I am
I am totally full of what I do not know, I am, I am
瑠璃色の海に 浮かんだ小船みたい
I am like a small boat floating in an azure ocean
灯台を捜している いつも
I am searching for a lighthouse all the time
あなたがいないと まだ何もできないわ
Without you, there's nothing I can do
Don't you know Don't you know 生まれたてのFirst love
Don't you know, don't you know about a newborn first love
恋をしたら世界中が Bright blue Bright blue
When in love all the world (turns into) bright blue bright blue
こんなに左胸が きゅっと 痛くなってしまうのは何故?
Why do I feel pain on the left side of my chest?
ただただあなたの 笑顔想うたびに
Just every time I think of your smile
Night and day…逢いたさがシトシト降ってくるわ(Miss you Miss you)
Night and day... The desire to meet you is slowly falling like the drizzling rain (Miss you, miss you)
これからどんなふうに変わるの? I will I will
How do I change from now on? I will I will
瑠璃色の夜空 流れる星になるわ
The azure night sky, will become a sea of floating stars
あなたの手を離さない ずっと
I do not want to let go of your hand, ever
朝が来たならば あわてて眠りましょう
And when the morning comes, still excited, let's go to sleep
Now I know Now I know あなたがそうFirst love
Now I know, now I know, you are my first love
恋は一度きりでいいわ 二度目なんてなくていい
Fall in love just once is enough, there is no need for a second time
恋に恋してる そんなんじゃないの
It's not that I am in love with love
I am in love with you
瑠璃色の涙 不意に零れてキラリ
Suddenly, spilling azure colored tears
始まったばかり Our love story
Our love story had only begun

瑠璃色の海に 浮かんだ小船みたい
I am like a small boat floating in an azure ocean
灯台を捜している いつも
I am searching for a lighthouse all the time
あなたがいないと まだ何もできないわ
Without you, there's nothing I can do
Don't you know Don't you know 生まれたてのFirst love
Don't you know, don't you know about a newborn first love
恋をしたら世界中が Bright blue Bright blue
When in love all the world (turns into) bright blue bright blue
Whenever I'm with you, everything is gonna be bright blue bright blue
Whenever I'm with you, everything is gonna be bright blue bright blue