Grasu XXL Dl. Destin english translation
Grasu XXL Dl. Destin song lyrics
Grasu XXL Dl. Destin translation
Furtuna mea arata ca o viata
My storm looks like a life
Pe mine frica ma intareste, ma dezgheata
For me fear hardens me, it thaws me
Nu ma rasfata, ma educa, ma invata
It doesn't spoil me, it educates me, teaches me
Sa joc cu cartile pe fata
To play with the cards face up
Asa ca hai ca tot ii spui destin
So come on because everything tells your destiny
Fa-mi o oferta sa stiu de ce vin
Give me an offer so I know why I come
Ca sa te creada
So you're believed
Omului da-i o dovada
Give him proof
Fa-ma sa ma tin de treaba
Make me keep up my work
Sa vada o lume intreaga
So a whole world will see
Pentru inceput scapa-ma de ego
For a start, make me lose my ego
Toate mi se potrivesc ca piesele de lego
Everything comes together for me like lego pieces
Poate nu-s toate cum cred eu si pic automat
Maybe everything isn't how I think and it falls automatically
Si tu n-ai nici o vina numai eu sunt vinovat
And you don't have a single fault only I'm guilty
N-o sa-ti cer nici un ajutor prefer
I prefer not to ask any help from you
Sa prind viteza fara nici un reper
So I gain speed without any landmark
N-o sa ma vezi ca disper
You won't see me dispair
Habar n-ai cat de sever
You have no idea how severe
Sunt eu cu mine tu cu mine te coporti ca lucifer
I am with me, you act like the devil with me
Pleaca de aici semeni cu niste cunoscuti
Leave here, you're like some acquaintances
Nu vrei sa m-ajuti asa i-ai prostit pe multi
You don't want to help me, this is how you fooled many
Defapt eu nu cred in nici un pact
Actually I don't believe in any pact
In nici un contract
In any contract
I-ati cel mai tare avocat
And you're the best lawyer
Nimeni nu te asteapta
Nobody expects you
Nu mai privi in urma
Do not look back
Ti se arata drumul
Here's the road
Hai calca pedala
Come on step on the pedal
Te chem in furtuna
I'm calling you to the storm
Ia viata de la capat
To life until the end
Tot ce-adurut sfarama
Everything that hurt shatters
A ta e lumea toata
The world is yours
Hai calca pedala
Come on step on the pedal
Te-astept in furtuna
I'm waiting in the storm
Si de aici unde
And where to from here
Hai raspunde
Come on answer
Stiu ca stii ce urmeaza
I know that you know what is coming
Te rog nu te mai ascunde
I beg please don't hide
Nu esti bun de nimic dar totodata
You aren't good for anything but also
Eu cred in tine exact ca prima data
I believe in you exactly like the first time
Hai spune tu care-ti zici destin
Come on say what you say is your destiny
De ce te joci cu mine
Why do you play with me
De parca nu ne stim
As if we don't know each other
Mi-ai spus cu gura ta ca nu putem sa fim
You told me with your mouth that we can't be
Ce tanjim sa fim,
We yearn to be
Hai poate reusim
Come on we might be able to do it
Tin minte atunci, n-am mai vorbit o vreme
I remember when we didn't talk for a time
N-am inteles filmul, era totusi prea devreme
We didn't understand the movie, it was nevertheless too early
Si acuma vii si ai vrea sa ma invii
And now you come and you want to invite me
Si daca asta-i viata, eu nu ma plimb printre cei vii
And if this is life, I won't walk with the living
Razi, nu-ti mai suport puterea
Laugh, I don't support your power
Inventezi ganduri ce ar putea sa schimbe vremea
You invent thoughts that might change the weather
Pot sa invinga lenea pentru prima data in viata
You can beat laziness for the first time in your life
Vad cum se implineste, hai vino si ma invata
I see how it works, come on and teach me
Nimenu nu te asteapta
Nobody is waiting for you
Nu mai privi in urma
Do not look back
Ti se arata drumul
Here's the road
Hai calca pedala
Come on step on the pedal
Te chem in furtuna
I'm calling you to the storm
Ia viata de la capat
To life until the end
Tot ce-adurut sfarama
Everything that hurt shatters
A ta e lumea toata
The world is yours
Hai calca pedala
Come on step on the pedal
Te-astept in furtuna
I'm waiting in the storm
In palma imi arde drumul
My palm burns with my destiny
Ciudata traba-i viata, imi zise vrajitoarea
Odd work is life, the witch told me
Dar soarta se indreapta, iti arata fata
But fate straightens out, it shows you it's face
Destinul se-mplineste, asa zice ghiocul
Destiny is fulfilled, that's what the shell says
Alearga rasaritul
The sunrise is coming
Afara-i masina, te cheama norocul
The car is outside, luck is calling