Golpe a Golpe Borracho english translation

Golpe a Golpe Borracho song lyrics
Golpe a Golpe Borracho translation
Golpe a golpe
hit to hit
golpe a golpe
hit to hit
mas lunáticos...
more lunatics

Hoy lo que siento por ella
today what I feel for her
es un dolor en el pecho,
it is a pain in the chest
ya me tome una botella
I already drink a bottle
y hoy tambien sigo derecho
and today I'm still right

Dices que son rumores
you say they are rumours
que no hay mal intenciones
that there are no bad intentions
pero jugastes conmigo
but you played with me
y no tenias derecho!!!
and you had no right

(oh oh...)
(oh oh..)
Y hoy me emborracho por eso!! (bis)
and today I get drunk for that!!(bis)

Si te veo pa barranquilla
if I see you pa canyon
mijita perdio su silla
mijita lost her chair
usted ni cuenta se dio
you did not even notice
todo el amor que le brillo
all the love that shine
(ching ching)
(ching ching)

Cuando alguien mucho parranda
when someone a lot of fun
seguro que no vale la pena
sure it's not worth it
y empezo una mala muchacha
and started a bad girl
que no tiene nada de buena
that has nothing good

Se paso
it happened
se paso
it happened
se paso el semaforo en rojo
the light went on in red
se callo que pena me dio
he fell silent what a pity he gave me
parese sola sola que nadie la vio
she seems alone, nobody saw her

borracho por tus cachos
drunk for your chicks

(usted es una mala mujer
(you are a bad woman
que no vale la pena tener!!)
which is not worth having!! )

borracho por tus cachos!!!!
drunk for your chicks

almenos tengo un motivo
at least I have a reason
pa no parar de beber!!
pa not stop drinking

julanito peranito
julanito peranito
juan chilanga bernadin
juan chilanga bernadin
cuantos hombres tiene usted
how many men do you have
(ching ching)
(ching ching)
por el ciego que no ve
for the blind man who does not see
(ching ching)
(ching ching)
carito me habla en ingles
carito speaks to me in English
que me dice yo no c
what does he tell me I do not c
prefieron quedarme gringo
I prefer to stay gringo

se paso
it happened
se paso
it happened
se paso el semaforo en rojo
the light went on in red
se callo que pena me dio
he fell silent what a pity he gave me
parese sola sola que nadie la vio
she seems alone, nobody saw her

borracho por tus cachos
drunk for your chicks

(usted es una mala mujer
(you are a bad woman
que no vale la pena tener!!)
which is not worth having!! )

borracho por tus cachos!!!!
drunk for your chicks

almenos tengo un motivo
at least I have a reason
pa no parar de beber!!
pa not stop drinking

hoy lo que siento por ella
today what I feel for her
es un dolor en el pecho
it is a pain in the chest
ya me tome una botella
I already drink a bottle
y hoy tambien sigo derecho
and today I'm still right

dices que son rumores
you say they are rumours
que no hay mal intenciones
that there are no bad intentions
pero jugastes conmigo
but you played with me
y no tenias derecho!!!
and you had no right

(oh oh...)
(oh oh..)
y hoy me emborracho por eso!! (bis)
and today I get drunk for that!!(bis)

borracho por tus cachos
drunk for your chicks

(usted es una mala mujer
(you are a bad woman
que no vale la pena tener!!)
which is not worth having!! )

borracho por tus cachos!!!!
drunk for your chicks

almenos tengo un motivo
at least I have a reason
pa no parar de beber!!
pa not stop drinking

borracho, borracho
drunk drunk
golpe a golpe
hit to hit
golpe a golpe
hit to hit

borracho, borracho
drunk drunk
pequeño juan y Mr. D
little Juan and Mr D

borracho, borracho
drunk drunk
alexander dj
Alexander Dj

borracho, borracho
drunk drunk
mas lunaticos, mas lunaticos!
more lunatics more lunatics

(ooh!! eeh!!)(bis)
ooh!! eeh!! bis

Mas lunáticos
more lunatics