GLAY 恋 english translation
GLAY 恋 song lyrics
GLAY 恋 translation
無邪気な関係も 形を変えてゆく
Innocent relationships change form
まして男と女 脆(もろ)くて 弱くて
Men and women are so fragile and weak
慣れ合い暮らすより 別れて生きてゆこう
Rather than devolving into domesticism
僕の心変わり 時の移ろい
Let's live apart
When spring comes, I'll know the end of forever
There on that hill we loved so much
咲いて散る花 優しさは恋
A flower that blooms, then withers - that tenderness is love
無償の想い 明日なき2人
Selfless love - there is no tomorrow for us
出逢い とまどい 傷つけては恋
Meeting, hesitating, hurting each other is love
治しては愛 答えなき問い
Only true love can heal - it's a question without an answer
白い雪が積もり 僕らを覆うまで
The white snow piles up until it's covering us
長く短い刻(とき)を 黙って歩いた
We walked silently for a short, yet long time
別れの言葉を口にする 道化師の調(しらべ)を
I said the words to break it off
うわの空 聞いていた
And listened absent-mindedly To a clown's melody
相思相愛 初めての恋
Requited love - it was my first love
一途な想い 果てなき未来
Earnest love - an endless future
叶わぬ願い 厳しくも恋
A wish that won't come true - love is tough, too
奪うのが愛 降り積もる迷い
True love takes it all away - the indecision rains down
よくある話のように 優等生な恋愛なんか無い
Unlike that common trope There's no such thing as honorable love
咲いて散る花 優しさは恋
A flower that blooms, then withers - that tenderness is love
無償の想い 明日なき2人
Selfless love - there is no tomorrow for us
出逢い とまどい 傷つけては恋
Meeting, hesitating, hurting each other is love
治しては愛 答えなき問い
Only true love can heal - it's a question without an answer
相思相愛 初めての恋
Requited love - it was my first love
一途な想い 果てなき未来
Earnest love - an endless future
叶わぬ願い 厳しくも恋
A wish that won't come true - love is tough, too
奪うのが愛 降り積もる迷い
True love takes it all away - the indecision rains down
咲いて散る花 優しさは恋
A flower that blooms, then withers - that tenderness is love
無償の想い 明日なき2人
Selfless love - there is no tomorrow for us
出逢い とまどい 傷つけては恋
Meeting, hesitating, hurting each other is love
治しては愛 答えなき問い
Only true love can heal - it's a question without an answer