Gerhard Steyn Diamante Vir Jou english translation
Gerhard Steyn Diamante Vir Jou song lyrics
Gerhard Steyn Diamante Vir Jou translation
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
Hier, lê die pad, die pad na 'n vrou, se hart.
Here lies the road, the way to a woman's heart.
Dis 'n pad wat jy loop.
It's a way you walk.
'n Pad vol van hoop, sonder water of brood.
A path full of hope, without water or bread.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
En ek, bring 'n ring, 'n ring net vir jou, my ding.
And me, bring a ring, a ring just for you, my thing.
Diamante en goud.
Diamonds and gold.
Peper en sout, ja saam word ons oud.
Pepper and salt, yes, we are old.
Hier, in my hart, skei ek pêrels van see, en van sand.
Here, in my heart, I separate pearls from sea and sand.
Diamante en goud.
Diamonds and gold.
Peper en sout, ja saam word ons oud.
Pepper and salt, yes, we are old.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.
Ek sal altyd aan ons liefde vashou.
I will always hold on to our love.
En as jy wonder hoe ek voel.
And if you wonder how I feel.
Dan bring ek diamante vir jou.
Then I bring diamonds to you.
Ek bring diamante vir jou.
I bring diamonds to you.