Gerardo Ortíz El Cholo english translation
Gerardo Ortíz El Cholo song lyrics
Gerardo Ortíz El Cholo translation
Aquí no hay niveles para trabajar
Here there are no levels of work
aquí vamos pa' delante
Here we're going up
y no pregunten no se espanten
And don't ask don't get scared
y aquí van a respetar.
Here your gonna respect
traigo muchas ganas
I feel like
de verlos pelear
Seeing a fight
me siento muy orgulloso
I feel very proud
Y pa mi gente soy el Cholo
And for my people I'm the gangster
y el apodo esta de mas
And my nickname is too much
y somos de la gente
We're for the people
del Señor Guzmán
Of Lord Guzmán
y en guamuchil transitamos
We transport in guamuchil
y aquí mismo radicamos
We radiate here too
y no me van a quitar.
They can't move me from here
para mis aliados
To my alliances
mis socios por hay
My partners somewhere
sabe que somos en un0
Know we are one
y si ocupan mas de un0
And if needed more than one
yo me pinto pa´ pelear
I'm down for a fight
tengo buenos ratos
I have good times
y pa´ festejar
To celebrate
tengo musica preferida
I have good music
traigo ocupo un plebita
And a girl too
que me venga acompañar
To keep me good company
traigo operativos
I have an operative
And know how to command
se que siempre estan alerta
I know I'll always be alert
la señora no respeta
She doesn't know how to respect
yo me doy a respetar
I give myself to respect