George Wassouf Helaf El Amar english translation

George Wassouf Helaf El Amar song lyrics
George Wassouf Helaf El Amar translation
كلمات: شفيق المغربي
Keywords: Shafiq Almghreby

حِلِفِ الْقَمَرْ يَمِينْ وقَلّكْ . يا حِلْوِ ساعِةْ ما شافِكْ
The moon swear and told you. "Oh what sweet" when he saw you
فِي الْحُسْنِ لا بَعْدِكْ ولا قَبْلِكْ . يا رُوحِي كِمْلِتْ أوْصافِكْ
In the beauty no one before you or after yoi . O my soul your beauty fulfilled

حِلِفِ الْقَمَرْ لُونِ الْوُرُودْ . لُونِ الزّهِرْ فُوقِ الْخُدُودْ
The moon swear the color of roses. Color cast over the cheeks
زادِ الْحَلا جَدايِلْ سُودْ . حِلِي الْكَرَزْ فَوْقْ شْفافِكْ
Increased the beauty black-hair . Costume cherry on top of your lips

طَلّ الْهَوَى بْأحْلَى عُيُونْ . قَلّ الدّوا بِينِ الْجُفُونْ
The love comes with the best eyes. The tier less between eyelids
السّحْرِ هامْ بِألْفِ لُونْ . والشّعْرِ غافِي عـ كْتافِكْ
Magic comes with thousand color. And the hair get on your shoulders