GARNiDELiA grilletto english translation
GARNiDELiA grilletto song lyrics
GARNiDELiA grilletto translation
手を伸ばして キミに届くように
I extend my hand, reaching out for you;
誰にも真似できない 本当の愛で 今 撃ち抜くから
My true love, which knows no imitation, will pierce right through you.
限界なんて自分次第 リミッターを外して
How far you can go is really up to you, so take off your limiters,
Nobody Knows もう誰も この先を知らない
Nobody knows; no one has a clue what's still to come.
信じては裏切られてる 見渡せばいつでも
When I look around me, it seems the second I trust someone, I face betrayal,
Nobody else もう誰かに 頼るのはやめて
There's nobody else; so stop relying on another.
大切な秘密にいつでも 手招きされてるようで このままじゃ前に進めない
Within each precious secret is something that beckons me toward it, but I'll never move forward like that.
手を伸ばして キミに届くように
I extend my hand, reaching out for you;
強がるだけじゃ守れない この思いは群青
Merely acting tough won't protect anyone, but this feeling is ultramarine.
狙い定め ヒキガネを引いて
I take aim and pull the trigger;
誰にも真似できない 本当の愛で 今 撃ち抜くから
My true love, which knows no imitation, will pierce right through you.
大人になってしまうことで 大事なこと忘れて
As we become adults, we forget something important;
Lose my way 自分さえ 信じられなくて
I lose my way and can't even trust myself.
耳障りなノイズはかり 飲み込まれそうになる
All I can hear is a dissonant noise, like I'm about to be swallowed up,
Never forget キミ一人 じゃないんだってこと
But you must never forget that you're not alone!
迷っては 深く傷ついて いつしか
When we get lost, we wound deeply, but before I knew,
受け止めたキミの 愛に触れて強くなってゆくの
I was touching the love you gave me, becoming stronger and stronger.
手を伸ばして 自由を掴まえに
I extend my hand, reaching out to take hold of freedom;
不思議なくらい怖くない この思いは純情
I'm strangely fearless and this feeling is so pure.
狙い定め ヒキガネを引いて
I take aim and pull the trigger;
誰にも真似できない 本当の愛で 今 撃ち抜くから
My true love, which knows no imitation, will pierce right through you.
たった一度きりの人生で 泣いて笑って 忙しい
With the one life we have, crying, laughing, so busy...
知った数字だけの駆け引きで 足して引いて 忙しい
Bargaining with the only numbers we know, adding, subtracting, so busy...
もっと もっと ねぇ次のカードをひいてみて
More and more... Hey, go ahead and draw the next card;
I wonder who will win? This empty reality feels like it's about to break:
永遠なんてありえない 軌跡を描いてく
There's no such thing as eternity, so we'll draw our own trajectory.
手を伸ばして キミに届くように
I extend my hand, reaching out for you;
強がるだけじゃ守れない この思いは群青
Merely acting tough won't protect anyone, but this feeling is ultramarine.
狙い定め ヒキガネを引いて
I take aim and pull the trigger;
誰にも真似できない 本当の愛で 今 撃ち抜くから
My true love, which knows no imitation, will pierce right through you.