Ferhat Göçer Git english translation

Ferhat Göçer Git song lyrics
Ferhat Göçer Git translation
Aramızda görünmeyen duvarlar var
there are invisible walls between us
Bilmediğim caddeler bulvarlar
and unknown streets, boulavards
Yabancısın hanidir söylesem yeridir
You are a foreigner, I must say
Kavuşmuyor hiç dudaklar
Our Lips never meet
Yavaş yavaş eritiyor bizi bu yalanlar
These lies are making us faded slowly
Bir hesap ki tutmuyor elde kalanlar
It is something, incomplete, all we have left
Son durak dedi aşk birimiz inmiyor
The love decided that this is the final stop, yet none of us hop off
İzliyor bak uzaktan uzaklar
Look the distants are watching from a distance
Git hevesini al gel nefesini al gel
Go, do what you always wanted and come back, go breath and come back
Belki de boğulduğun aşkından git
Go away from your love that is maybe what drowns you
Tutamam zaten dağ gibi dursam
I cannot hold you back, even if I was standing like a mountain
Kendine bir tünel kazarsın
You would have dug a tunnel, anyway
Git bana benzeyen ya da benzemeyen
Someone like me or not like me at all
Birini belki de çok seversin
maybe you would love that someone
Git ayrılığı kabullendim
go, I have accepted to break up
Ben seni sen olmadan da severim git
Go, I can love you even without you
Yavaş yavaş eritiyor bizi bu yalanlar
These lies are making us faded slowly
Bir hesap ki tutmuyor elde kalanlar
It is something, incomplete, all we have left
Son durak dedi aşk birimiz inmiyor
The love decided that this is the final stop, yet none of us hop off
İzliyor bak uzaktan uzaklar
Look the distants are watching from a distance
Git hevesini al gel nefesini al gel
Go, do what you always wanted and come back, go breath and come back
Belki de boğulduğun aşkından git
Go away from your love that is maybe what drowns you
Tutamam zaten dağ gibi dursam
I cannot hold you back, even if I was standing like a mountain
Kendine bir tünel kazarsın
You would have dug a tunnel, anyway
Git bana benzeyen ya da benzemeyen
Someone like me or not like me at all
Birini belki de çok seversin
maybe you would love that someone
Git ayrılığı kabullendim
go, I have accepted to break up
Ben seni sen olmadan da severim git
Go, I can love you even without you