Feel Pokonaj Siebie english translation

Feat Iwona Węgrowska
Feel Pokonaj Siebie song lyrics
Feel Pokonaj Siebie translation
Chce, potrafie, wzniose sie
I wan't to, i can, i will rise myself up
to naprawde dobry dzien
This is a really good day
jak w westernie jeden sen
Like in western just one dream
Hej, mowie sobie sile masz
Hey, i tell myself "you've got the strength"
i nie przegraj wygraj, grasz
And don't lose, win this, play
ale w pokonanie siebie
But by overcoming yourself
Pokonam wiec siebie, pokonam siebie
I will overcome myself, overcome myself
udowodnie, ze mozna lepiej
I will prove that there is a chance to do better
pokonam wiec siebie, pokonam siebie, udowodnie
I will overcome myself, i will overcome myself, and i'll prove it
Chce, potrafie, jestem skala
I want to, i can ,I'm a scale
stac jak posag - to za malo
To stand like a statue- is not enough
wole ruszyc z posad swiat
I'd rather move from my position in this world
hej, nigdy wiecej bialych flag
Hey, never again will there be a white flag
chociaz juz bywalo tak
Though it's already been that way
wczoraj byl ostatni raz
Yesterday was the last day
Obiecuje sobie
I promised myself
Pokonam dzis siebie, pokonam siebie
I will overcome myself today, overcome myself
udowodnie, ze mozna lepiej
I will prove that there is a chance to do better
pokonam dzis siebie, pokonam siebie, udowodnie, ze mozna lepiej
I will overcome myself, I will overcome myself, i will prove that there is a chance to do better
pokonam dzis siebie, pokonam siebie, udowodnie, ze mozna lepiej
I will overcome myself, I will overcome myself, i will prove that there is a chance to do better
pokonam dzis siebie, pokonam siebie, udowodnie
I will overcome myself, I will overcome myself, and prove it
Chce, potrafie, wzniose sie
I wan't to, i can, i will rise myself up
to naprawde dobry dzien
This is a really good day
mam przed soba jasny cel
In front of me i see a bright future
Hej, mowie sobie sile masz
Hey, i tell myself "you've got the strength"
i nie przegraj, wygraj, grasz
And don't lose, win this, play
ale w pokonanie siebie
But by overcoming yourself
Pokonaj wiec siebie
overcome yourself
Wyzej, mocniej, dalej
Higher, harder, futher