Fadel Shaker Hakhalli Bali english translation
Fadel Shaker Hakhalli Bali song lyrics
Fadel Shaker Hakhalli Bali translation
هخلى بالى من نفسى
I'll take care of myself
واحاول مشوفكش
I'll try not to see you
خايف اقابلك تانى
I'm afraid to meet you again
قدامك مقدرش
in front of you , won't be able
انا ليه كل مشوفك
why everytime I see you
بنسى اوام وارجعلك
I forget quickly and back to you
لازم اغلب ضعفى
I must break my weakness
مش لازم اسمعلك
I must not listen to you
وحياة اللى ما بينا
By everything between us
قصدى اللى كان فى يوم بينا
I mean what was between us one day
لو شوفتنى قدامك
if you see me in front of you
متكلمنيش وامشى
don't talk to me and go
كل ما اقول انا هنسى
everytime I say I'll forget
الاقينى بحبك لسة
I discover that I still love you
عشان اعرف اسيبك
to be able to let you
هبعد ومقولكش
I'll go away without telling you
هخلى بالك من نفــــــســــى
I'll take care of myself
انا كنت بعيش علشانك
I was living for you
مهما جرالى بحبك
whatever happens to me still love you
بعد اللى انت عملته
after what you did
انا مش هفضل جنبك
I will not stay beside you
مهما تعبت فى بعدك
not matter if I'm ill without you
تعبى فى قربك اصعب
my illness with you is harder
انا لو قولت نسيتك
If I said that I forget you
هبقى بحاول اكدب
I'll be trying to lie