Exists Alasanmu english translation
Exists Alasanmu song lyrics
Exists Alasanmu translation
Ikhlasnya hati sering kali disalah erti
Sincerely heart often misunderstand
Tulusnya budi tidak pernah engkau hargai
Sincerely gratitude you never care about
Berlalu pergi dengan kelukaan ini
Go with this injury
Ku mengalah, ku bersabar
I give in, I be patient
Bertentang mata seolah olah tiada apa
Have eye contact seems that nothing
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
look away there just is not right
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Look for stronger reasons
Supaya tercapai hajatmu
So accomplished your wish
Manis di bibir memutar kata
Sweet at lip word play
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
Even you accuse me that the cause
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Who complacent certainly amazed
Pujukmu, rayumu, suaramu yang menagih simpati dan harapan
Your wheedle, your beg, your voice that want sympathy and hope
Engkau pastinya tersenyum dengan pengunduran diriku
You certainly smile with my retreat
Tetapi bagiku pula suatu ketenangan
But for me anyway is a peace
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
If we still together not necessarily us happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu
as long as you do not change your way of life
Ada rahmatnya bila tidak lagi bersama
There are wisdom when we did not together anymore
Terasa jauh diriku ini dengan dosa
I feels far away from sin
Ku tinggalkanmu walau tanpa kerelaan yang nyata
I leave you although without consent
Kau tidak berubah
You did not change
Bertentang mata seolah olah tiada apa
Have eye contact seems that nothing
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
look away there just is not right
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Look for stronger reasons
Supaya tercapai hajatmu
So accomplished your wish
Manis di bibir memutar kata
Sweet at lip word play
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
Even you accuse me that the cause
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Who complacent certainly amazed
Pujukmu, rayumu, suaramu yang menagih simpati dan harapan
Your wheedle, your beg, your voice that want sympathy and hope
Engkau pastinya tersenyum dengan pengunduran diriku
You certainly smile with my retreat
Tetapi bagiku pula suatu ketenangan
But for me anyway is a peace
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
If we still together not necessarily us happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu
as long as you do not change your way of life
Katalah apa yang kau ingin
Say what you want
Selagi kau dapat berkata
While you can talk
Memang begitu sikapmu semenjak dahulu
Rightly so your attitude since ago
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
If we still together not necessarily us happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu
as long as you do not change your way of life