Enjambre Intruso english translation
Enjambre Intruso song lyrics
Enjambre Intruso translation
Hay un intruso en mi cuarto
There's a intruder in my room
lo veo por la ventana
I see him through the window
y yo afuera y el adentro un santo
and i'm outside and he inside, a saint
yo el de vida profana
i'm the profane life's
Ese intruso en mi cuarto
that intrude in my room
se viste con mi ropa
is wearing my clothes
le grito no me escucha
I shout, he don't hear me
y cuanto mas trato mas se apropia de mis cosas
and more I try he more take possession of my things
Es de anatomía
he have an anatomy
idéntica a la mía
like the mine
su rostro es de alegría
his face is of happiness
el mío es de agonía
the mine is of agony
Miseria, tesoro
misery, treasure
el rie, yo lloro
he laughs, I cry
los mios lo adoptan
the mine adopt him
lo arropan de lo que despoje se apropia
they clothe him, he take possession of all he strip me
felices yo triste
they happy, I sad
intruso me desaparesiste.
intrude, you disappearing me