Enjambre Impacto english translation
Enjambre Impacto song lyrics
Enjambre Impacto translation
Esos brazos cruzados y ese ceño enojado
Those arms crossed and that angry frown
Me tienen intrigado, me intimidas, ¿qué hago?
I am intrigued, intimidated, what do I do?
Y si das un paso me pones a llorar
And if you take a step, you'll make me cry
Y si caminas más al suelo voy a dar
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Que me) me deslumbras
(That you) dazzle me
(Que me) me derrumbas
(May I) break me down
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Porque) te lo doy todo
(Because) I give you everything
(Oh no) ni modo
(Oh no) No way
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Que me) me derrites
(May you) melt me
(Que me) me transmites la vergüenza de el sol
(That you) transmit me the shame of the sun
Quien en su resplandor se ve opacado a tu lado
Who in his radiance looks obscure at your side
Se escucha una melodía, el canto de esa niña
You hear a melody, the song of that girl
Y burbujea la sangre que corre por mis venas
And the blood that flows through my veins bubbles
Y apenas y me ves, me tumbas del impacto
And just and you see me, you tomb me of the impact
Y te echas a reír, me da un paro cardíaco
And you laugh, I get a cardiac arrest
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Que me) me deslumbras
(That you) dazzle me
(Que me) me derrumbas
(May I) break me down
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Porque) te lo doy todo
(Because) I give you everything
(Oh no) ni modo
(Oh no) No way
No me mires con esos ojos
And if you walk more to the ground I will give
(Que me) me derrites
(May you) melt me
(Que me) me transmites la vergüenza de el sol
(That you) transmit me the shame of the sun
Quien en su resplandor se ve opacado a tu lado
Who in his radiance looks obscure at your side
No me mires con esos ojos...
And if you walk more to the ground I will give