Ella Kesal english translation
Ella Kesal song lyrics
Ella Kesal translation
Berulang kali ku cuba mengerti
Over and over again I tried to understand
Namun kau tak pernah untuk menyedari
But you never realized
Walaupun akhirnya semua kan berlalu
Although eventually all is over
Hadapi kenyataan
Face the reality
Biarpun penuh duri
Though full of thorns
Harusku hadapi
I have to face
Tuk sejenak diri lupakan problema
For a moment forget the problem
Agar lepas dari segala prasangka
In order to escape from any prejudices
ku cuba berlari
I tried to run
Ikuti langkahku
Follow my steps
Menyongsong matahari
Welcome to the sun
Biarlah kan ku tempuh
Let me take it
Jalan hidup sendiri
Way of life itself
Tanpa engkau lagi ingin kubuktikan semua
You no longer want me to prove it all
Bahwa diri ini bukanlah sekadar
That this self is not just
Boneka yang dapat kau jadikan mainan
Dolls that you can make toys
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Harapan hidup berdua
Hope life together
Ternyata sia-sia
It turned out to be in vain
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Lebih baik putus saja
Better to break it
Daripada tersiksa
Rather than tormented
Hidupku jadinya
My life will be
Ku cuba berlari ikuti langkahku
I tried to run following my steps
Menyongsong matahari
Welcome to the sun
Biarlah kan ku tempuh
Let me take it
Jalan hidup sendiri
Way of life itself
Tanpa engkau lagi
Without you anymore
Ingin ku buktikan semua
I want to prove it all
Bahwa diri ini bukanlah sekedar
That this self is not just
Boneka yang dapat
Dolls that can
Kau jadikan mainan
You make toys
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Harapan hidup berdua
Hope life together
Ternyata sia-sia
It turned out to be in vain
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Lebih baik putus saja
Better to break it
Daripada terseksa
Rather than tormented
Hidupku jadinya
My life will be
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Harapan hidup berdua
Hope life together
Ternyata sia-sia
It turned out to be in vain
Resahku kerna dia
I'm scared because of him
Kesalku kerna dia
I'm annoyed because of him
Lebih baik putus saja
Better to break it
Daripada tersiksa
Rather than tormented