Efek Rumah Kaca Kuning english translation
Efek Rumah Kaca Kuning song lyrics
Efek Rumah Kaca Kuning translation
-Religious Part-
Tentang nubuat mencerahkan
About the brightening prophecy
Berlabuh dalam keheningan
Berthing in silence
Menyapa dalam keramaian
Greets inside crowds
Pada batas yang dirasakan
At the limit that's felt
Manusia mengonsepsi tuhan
Humans concepting​ God
Bernaung di dalam pikiran
Sheltering in the mind
Mencari setiap jejakNya
Searching for His trails
Mengulas semua kehendakNya
Reviewing His will
Apa wujudnya
What His form is
Apa misinya
What His mission is
Manusia menafikan tuhan
Humans defying God
Melarang atas perbedaan
Prohibiting on differences
Persepsi dibelenggu tradisi
Perception restricted by traditions
Jiwa yang keruhpun bersemi
Cloudy souls blossoming
Nihil maknanya
The meaning is naught
Hampa surganya
The heaven is empty
Karena cinta bersemayam dalam jiwa
Because love lives inside the soul
-Diversity Part-
Terjerembap demi akhirat
Falling down for the afterlife
Akalnya lenyap, hati berkarat
The reasoning is gone, the heart is rusted
Hati berkarat, cacat, pekat, jahat
The heart is rusted, impaired, smeary, evil
Beragam, berwarna
Diverse, colorful
Lestarilah tumbuhnya
Growing everlastingly
Bermacam agama
Various religions
Dipancarkan cintanya
Radiating their love
Semua bertautan
All is related
Nihilis, Humanis
Nihilists, humanists
Dilebur harapannya
Their hope's smelted
Yang hening, Yang bising
The silent ones, the noisy ones
Diserap hakikatnya
Their essentiality's absorbed
Semua dihisabnya, sebab akibatnya
All is judged, the causes and effects
Bila matahari sepenggal jaraknya
If the Sun's only a one part away
Padang yang luas tak ada batasnya
A spacious field without limits
Berarak beriringan
Marching hand in hand
Berseru dan menyebut ….Dia.
Hailing and calling.... Him.