Edcoustic Sepotong Episode english translation

Edcoustic Sepotong Episode song lyrics
Edcoustic Sepotong Episode translation
sebuah kisah masa lalu hadir di benakku
A story from the past appears in my mind
saat kulihat surau itu
When I see the prayer house
menyibak lembaran masa yang indah
Reminding me of a beautiful time
bersama sahabatku
With my best friend

sepotong episode masa lalu aku
An episode from my past
episode sejarah yang membuatku kini
An episode of history that has made me
merasakan bahagia dalam diin-Mu
Feel joy in Your religion
merubah arahan langkah di hidupku
Changing the direction of my life

setiap sudut surau itu menyimpan kisah
Every corner of the house holds a story
kadang kurindu cerita yang
Sometimes I miss the stories
tak pernah hilang kenangan
That will never fade from memory
bersama mencari cahayamu
Together looking for Your light