Duncan Dhu Cien Gaviotas english translation

Duncan Dhu Cien Gaviotas song lyrics
Duncan Dhu Cien Gaviotas translation
Hoy el viento sopla más de lo normal
Today wind blows more than usual
Las olas intentando salirse del mar
The waves are trying to go out of the sea
El cielo es gris y tú no lo podrás cambiar
The sky is gray and you won't be able to change it
Mira hacia lo lejos busca otro lugar
Look far and search another place
Y cien gaviotas, donde irán
And where 100 seagulls will go??
Donde irán
Where will they go?

Hoy no has visto a nadie con quien derrumbar
Today you haven't seen anybody to overthrow with
Los muros que gobiernan en esta ciudad
the walls that govern in this city
Hoy no has visto a nadie con quien disfrutar
Today you haven't seen anybody to enjoy with
Placeres que tan sólo tú imaginarás
the pleasures that only you will imagine
Y tus miradas dónde irán
and where your looks will go?
Dónde irán
Where will they go?

Hoy podrás beber y lamentar
Today you will be able to drink and apologize
Que ya no volverán
that they won't be able
Sus alas a volar
to fly (their wings)
Cien gaviotas, dónde irán
where 100 seagulls will go?

Hoy el día ya no es como los demás
Today the day is not as other days
El ron y la cerveza harán que acabes mal
rum and beer will make you finish so bad
Nena ven conmigo, déjate llevar
Baby come with me, let you go!
Hoy te enseñaré dónde termina el mar
Today I will teach you where sea ends
Y cien gaviotas, dónde irán
and where 100 seagulls will go?
Dónde irán
Where will they go?

Hoy podrás beber y lamentar
Today you will be able to drink and apologize
Que ya no volverán
that they won't be able
Sus alas a volar
to fly (their wings)
Cien gaviotas, dónde-
One hundred seagulls, where-
Hoy podrás beber y lamentar
Today you will be able to drink and apologize
Que ya no volverán
that they won't be able
Sus alas a volar
to fly (their wings)
Cien gaviotas, dónde irán
where 100 seagulls will go?