Duman Bu Akşam english translation
Duman Bu Akşam song lyrics
Duman Bu Akşam translation
Kendime geldim geleli dostlar
I've came to my senses, and as I have, my friends
Olamam kimseye düşman
I can't be an an enemy to anyone
Bi şüphem yok kefenim sağlam
I don't have any doubts or regrets
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
Sesleri duydum duyalı dostlar
Since I've heard the voices again, my friends
Yola çıktım yeni baştan
I've taken the road again
Acelem yok hedefim sağlam
I'm in no hurry, my target is clear
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
İçerim ben
I'll drink
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
İçerim ben
I'll drink
Sizleri gördüm göreli dostlar
Since I've seen you, my friends
Hemen her gün bana bayram
Everyday is a holiday to me
Yarınım yok sevenim sağlam
I have no future, but I have trust in those who love me
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
İçerim beeeen
I drink
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
İçerim ben bu akşam
I'll drink to that, tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
Ben burda bu akşam
I am here tonight
İçerim ben
I'll drink