Dorian Popa Buze english translation

Feat What's Up
Dorian Popa Buze song lyrics
Dorian Popa Buze translation
Lasa lumea sa ne acuze
Let the world accuse us
De ce sa ne cerem scuze
Why should we apologize
Te vreau ca Eva acoperita in frunze
I want you like Eve covered in leaves
Ce vreau eu imi poti citi pe
What I want you can read on my
Bu bu Buze
Li Li Lips

Intre noi nu e actorie
Between us there is no acting
Dar filmul nostru e unul la 1000
But our movie is 1 of 1000
Ma privesti intr-un mod special
You look at me in a special way
Cand esti langa mine totul devine ireal
When you're with me everything becomes unreal
In fiecare noapte pana la trei
Every night until 3 AM
Stau cu tine in loc sa alerg prin Tei
I stay with you instead of running in through fields of lime
Meriti totul
You deserve a crown
Esti regina mea din jungla urbana
You're my Queen of the Urban Jungle

Lasa lumea sa ne acuze
Let the world accuse us
De ce sa ne cerem scuze
Why should we apologize
Te vreau ca Eva acoperita in frunze
I want you like Eve covered in leaves
Ce vreau eu imi poti citi pe
What I want you can read on my
Bu bu Buze
Li Li Lips

Am fost pana in Africa tot nu am simtit-o
I went to Africa and still didn't feel
Cale ca langa tine nu am mai gasit-o
Hot nights with you I never found again
Cand am cerul prin de nori faci tu soarele sa iasa
When I have the sky full of clouds you make sun to rise up
Si simt ca vom avea familie copil si casa
And I feel we would have family children's and a home
Esti coloana mea sonora cantata la pian
You're my sound track played on the piano
Si cea mai cautata piesa de pe Shazam
And the most popular song on Shazam
Daca nimeni nu ti-a spus ca meriti o coroana
If no one told you that you deserve a crown
Esti regina mea din jungla urbana
You're my Queen of the Urban Jungle

Lasa lumea sa ne acuze
Let the world accuse us
De ce sa ne cerem scuze
Why should we apologize
Te vreau ca Eva acoperita in frunze
I want you like Eve covered in leaves
Ce vreau eu imi poti citi pe
What I want you can read on my
Bu bu Buze
Li Li Lips

Nu vreau sa cred ca tu
No I don't want to believe that you
O sa-mi rupi sufletul
That you will tear my soul
Cand sunt plecat departe ma gandesc la tine mereu
When I'm gone far away I think of you constantly
Sa ma intelegi e mai greu dar asta e felul meu
To understand me is difficult but this is the way I am
Cand am trecut la fapte spuneai ca am prea mult tupeu
When I took action you said that I had too much confidence
Te intrebai merit eu sa iubesc un derbedeu
You ask yourself do I deserve to love a rebel
Hai zi daca se poate sa te pui in locul meu
Come on and tell me if it is easy to put yourself in my place
Alerg zi si noapte si o sa alerg mereu
I run day and night and I will always run constantly
Pentru tine pentru mine si pentru tot ce n-avem
For you, for me and for everything we don't have
Ne avem unul pe altul si in rest o sa vedem
We have each other and everything else we will see
Lasa lumea sa ne acuze
Let the world accuse us
Ce fac eu imi poti citi pe buze
What I want you can read on Lips
