Donna Cruz Four Seasons song lyrics
Donna Cruz Four Seasons song lyrics
It's a time of joy
a time of peace
a time when heart are then set free
a time to heal the wound
of division
it's a time of grace
a time of hope
a time of sharing the gifts we have
a time to build the world that is one
it's the time to
give thanks to the father son
and spirit an with mary
our mother we sing
this song
open your hearts to the lord
and beggin to see that mistery
that we are all together as one
no more walls no more chains
no more selfishness
and close door
for we are and fullness of
god's time
it's the time of the great jubille
it's a time of prayer
a time of praise
a time to let our hands to god
a time to become
all a graces
it's a time to