Doctor Krápula La Fuerza del Amor english translation
Doctor Krápula La Fuerza del Amor song lyrics
Doctor Krápula La Fuerza del Amor translation
Mi pana se acuesta con pena en el alma
My friend lays down with his soul in sorrow
Ya casi no come, la plata no alcanza
He almost never eats, money isn't enough
Pero el es valiente y tiene que seguir
But he's brave and has to keep going
Sus sueños alientan su afán de vivir.
He's dreams keep him living
Llorando se acuesta y cuestiona su suerte
Crying he lays down and questions his luck
La luz lo inquieta al no poder verle
The light bothers him as he can't see it
pregunta porque todo le sale mal
He asks why does everything goes wrong for him
durmiendo se olvida del mundo normal.
Sleeping he forgets about the world outside
Toma de vez en cuándo y fuma del vicio de la soledad
Sometimes he drinks and smokes in the vice of loneliness
No puede olvidarse de su sacrificio
He can't forget about his sacrifice
Trabaja, y olvida la desigualdad.
He works and forgets about inequality
Se que en tu vida hay dolor
I know there's pain in your life
que la cosa va de mal en peor
That things goes from bad to worse
lo que te hace mejor es luchar con la fuerza del amor.
What makes you better is fight with the power of love
Mi Pana despierta con pena en el alma pero hay una cosa que su dolor calma
My friend wakes up with his soul in sorrow but there's one thing that can calm his pain
al ver a sus hijos la cama de al lado se cree la mentira que el mundo ha cambiado
Seeing his kids in the next bed he believes that lie about how the world has changed
Se toma el café y se llena de ganas y ve su futuro claro en la ventana
He drinks his coffee and fills in with want to live and sees his future clear on the window
tranquilo sonríe y su dolor calma suspira y dice levántate y anda
He calms, he smiles and it calms his pain. He breaths and says get up and keep going
Toma de vez en cuándo y fuma del vicio de la soledad
Sometimes he drinks and smokes in the vice of loneliness
No puede olvidarse de su sacrificio
He can't forget about his sacrifice
Trabaja, y olvida la desigualdad.
He works and forgets about inequality
Se que en tu vida hay dolor
I know there's pain in your life
que la cosa va de mal en peor
That things goes from bad to worse
lo que te hace mejor es luchar con la fuerza del amor.
What makes you better is fight with the power of love
No puede morir porque comprendió que es
He can't die yet cause he understood that he's
todo lo que la vida a sus hijos le dio
everything life gave to his kids
cansado batalla y la fuerza le alcanza para darles a ellos algo de esperanza
Tired, he fights and that power's enough to give them some hope
Se que en tu vida hay dolor, que la cosa va de
I know that there's pain in your life, that things go from bad
mal en peor, lo que te hace mejor es luchar con la
to worse, but what makes you better is fighting with
fuerza del amor.
the power of love.