DIR EN GREY Vinushka english translation

DIR EN GREY Vinushka song lyrics
DIR EN GREY Vinushka translation

雲と交わす 呼吸を止めて 嗚呼 ただ 盲目の殻
I exchange thoughts with the clouds. I hold my breath. Ahh, it's just hard shell you can't see
此処が底か? 陰りに身を焼かれ 嗚呼 ただ 忘れていたい
Is that where the bottom is? The shadow burns me. Ahh, I just want to keep forgetting
蟻の巣へと 欲を滑らせ さあ 今 生まれ変わればいい
Slip your desires into the ants' nest. Come now, all you have to do now is be reborn again

明日を眠らせて 振り向く安らぎ
Let tomorrow sleep and peacefulness will turn to you
鋭く尖る 感情に身を任せて
Free yourself and go with your razor sharp emotions
Even the twisted flow is the proof that you're alive
I invite the tearfully-indulging sorrow

The inculated Dogra Magra
The pain of the mark and the one and only personality
And those colorful eyes all decorated I don't want them anymore
Is hypocrisy going to come and take it all away?
The lonely red stage at night
I dedicate the following to the aspiring leading actor
That's where the truth is

The small corner of my un-cheatable heart says "I still want to be here"
Who can't we forgive?
冷えた声を響かせ 誓う
I let them hear my cold voice and I swear

業と歩む 天地裂けた我この身と叫ぶ
I will live with my work I scream with this body of flesh that separates heaven and hell
罰と刻む 風と消えろ我の証は?
I carve the sins What will be the proof of my existence if it disappears with the wind?

「金剛に輝く月はもう 見飽きそうなくらい眺めたんだ
"I've stared at the strong shining moon long enough to be bored
狼にもなれそうにない 闇に狂いそうだ
Can't even turn myself into a werewolf, but just enough to become crazy by the darkness
首を喰らいたい 儚き残骸 眠らせはしないから
I do not want to sleep because I want to eat the neck.
甘えたい年頃か・・・小夜なら 君に狂いそうだ」
At the age where you just want attention... tonight, I might go crazy for you"

誰しもが幸福とばかりに 手を伸ばし闇に潜む鬼となる
Everyone wants to reach out their hand and grab happiness but they just end up becoming the monster that lies deep in darkness
The end has already come to life
It will take form at zero and will crawl back into the uterus and rot
繰り返す度 崩れてゆくお前等の面が
Every time this happens, your faces crumble

No one wants to talk about the truth that hurts the ear
The suppressed minds

Compensate the sins and let life be gone

儚きアンチテーゼ 咽び泣く地へと
The emptiness of the antithesis becomes the choking and crying land
Bury the bones in the common land immersed in thesis. Be burdened by depression.
憂鬱、背負うまま ざらつく津波に
The gritty tsunami takes me away and I smile with bitter tears
Couldn't understand the value of things
価値を見出せず 首縊り十三階段
The hanging of the necks at the 13 stairs
Seeing people becoming friendly while clapping hands
That mixes in with sissy thoughts and hurts others
Seeing you like this, it's just too sad

血しぶく 本能 踏み潰し
Splash of blood, Squashing basic instincts
Talk about death

業と歩む 天地裂けた我この身と叫ぶ
I will live with my work I scream with this body of flesh that separates heaven and hell
罰と刻む 風と消えろ我の証は?
I carve the sins What will be the proof of my existence if it disappears with the wind?

耳を砕く真相には 誰も触れやしない
No one wants to talk about the truth that hurts the ear
The suppressed minds

Compensate the sins and let life be gone

Because I am evil
Is it a sin for me to live?