Dewald Wasserfall Eendag as ons groot is english translation
Dewald Wasserfall Eendag as ons groot is song lyrics
Dewald Wasserfall Eendag as ons groot is translation
Was 'n hart te jonk om op 8 jaar oud.
Was a heart to young at 8 years old
Die woorde te glo uit 'n prinses se mond."
Believed the words from a princess's mouth
Vir jou sal ek lief hê tot die dag van my dood".
I'll love you untill the day I die
Dit was waar vir 'n rukkie, maar toe word ons groot.
It was true for awhile, but then we grew up
As ek kon kies sou ek dit oor wou hê.
If I could choose, I'd choose it again
Ek sal jou my nooit laat uitoorlê.
I will never outwit you
Jy weet hoe jonger 'n hart, hoe groter die hoop.
You know the younger the heart, the more the hope
Jy't verander hoe ek nou deur die lewe loop.
You've changed how I now walk through life
Jy't my belowe, my belowe, tot dit dag van jou dood.
You promised me, promised me 'till the day you die
Jy't met jou woorde, met jou woorde, my altyd laat hoop.
With your words, with your words, you always give me hope
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is. ...
one day when we are big
Jy sal nooit weet, jy sal nooit weet hoeveel, en wat jy kon voel.
you'll never know, you'll never know how much and what u could've felt
Jy't my vergeet, jy't my vergeet, ek weet nou jy't nooit bedoel.
you forgot me, you forgot me I know now you never meant what u said
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is ...
one day when we are big
Na alles oud, sal ek jou nooit blameer.
after every thing I'll never blame you
Jy was te jonk om woorde te wou keer.
you were to young to stop the words
Maar ek weet voor my siel daar was oorgenoeg tyd.
but I know there was more than enough time
Om te sê, jammer, jy wil 'n belofte wegsmyt.
to say sorry you want to throw away a promise
Jy't my belowe, my belowe, tot dit dag van jou dood.
You promised me, promised me 'till the day you die
Jy't met jou woorde, met jou woorde, my altyd laat hoop.
With your words, with your words, you always give me hope
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is. ...
one day when we are big
Jy sal nooit weet, jy sal nooit weet hoeveel, en wat jy kon voel.
you'll never know, you'll never know how much and what u could've felt
Jy't my vergeet, jy't my vergeet, ek weet nou jy't nooit bedoel.
you forgot me, you forgot me I know now you never meant what u said
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is ...
one day when we are big
Ek verlang na die tye wat lank verby is.
I miss the times that are long gone
Nou's ons groot, ek mis 'n belofte wat lank reeds verby is.
now were grown up, I miss the promise that is over
Was 'n hart te jonk om op 8 jaar oud.
Was a heart to young at 8 years old
Die woorde glo uit 'n prinses se mond.
to believe the words out of a princesses mouth
Jy't my belowe, my belowe, tot dit dag van jou dood.
You promised me, promised me 'till the day you die
Jy't met jou woorde, met jou woorde, my altyd laat hoop.
With your words, with your words, you always give me hope
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is. ...
one day when we are big
Jy sal nooit weet, jy sal nooit weet hoeveel, en wat jy kon voel.
you'll never know, you'll never know how much and what u could've felt
Jy't my vergeet, jy't my vergeet, ek weet nou jy't nooit bedoel.
you forgot me, you forgot me I know now you never meant what u said
Dat as ons groot is.
that when we are big
Eendag as ons groot is .
one day when we are big