Dewa Dua Sejoli english translation
Dewa Dua Sejoli song lyrics
Dewa Dua Sejoli translation
Usap air matamu
wipe your tears
Yang menetes di pipimu
which flowing on your cheeks
Kupastikan semuanya
I will make sure everything ...
Akan baik-baik saja
will be okay
Bila kau terus pandangi
if you keep seeing
Langit tinggi di angkasa
the sky above
Takkan ada habisnya
it will never end
Segala hasrat di dunia
every desire on earth
Hawa tercipta di dunia
Eve was created on the earth
Untuk menemani Sang Adam
too accompany Adam
Begitu juga dirimu
So were you
Tercipta 'tuk temani aku
created to accompany me
Renungkan sejenak
consider this
Arti hadirku di sini
why am I here
Jangan pernah ingkari
do not deny
Dirimu adalah wanita
you are a woman
Harusnya dirimu menjadi
you should become
Perhiasan sangkar maduku
the jewelry inside my honey nest
Walaupun kadang diriku
though sometimes I...
Bertekuk lutut di hadapmu
kneeling for you
Hawa tercipta di dunia
Eve was created on the earth
Untuk menemani Sang Adam
too accompany Adam
Begitu juga dirimu
So were you
Tercipta 'tuk temani aku
created to accompany me
Harusnya dirimu menjadi
you should become
Perhiasan sangkar maduku
the jewelry inside my honey nest
Walaupun kadang diriku
though sometimes I...
Bertekuk lutut di hadapmu
kneeling for you
Hawa tercipta di dunia
Eve was created on the earth
Untuk menemani Sang Adam
too accompany Adam
Begitu juga dirimu
So were you
Tercipta 'tuk temani aku
created to accompany me
Hawa tercipta di dunia
Eve was created on the earth
Untuk menemani Sang Adam
too accompany Adam
Begitu juga dirimu
So were you
Tercipta 'tuk temani aku
created to accompany me
Hawa tercipta di dunia
Eve was created on the earth
Untuk menemani Sang Adam
too accompany Adam
Begitu juga dirimu
So were you
Tercipta 'tuk temani aku
created to accompany me
Bukalah pintu jiwamu
open the key of your soul
Dengar bisikan sanubari
listen the whisper inside your heart
Semua adalah isyarat
everything is a hint
Isyarat dari Sang Pencipta
a hint from the Creator