Deejay Telio Num Tá Bom english translation
Deejay Telio Num Tá Bom song lyrics
Deejay Telio Num Tá Bom translation
Olha só, olha a forma que ele dança
look at, look at the way he dance
Olha só, olha a forma que ela dança
Look at, look at the way she dance
Ainda não vos falaram nada
They haven't told you anything yet
À sério não falaram nada?
really they didint told you?
Mas eu vou vos falar.
But I'll tell you (she)
Num ta bom
it's aint good
Num ta bom
it's aint good
Num ta bom
it's aint good
Num ta bom
it's aint good