D-51 STAR english translation
D-51 STAR song lyrics
D-51 STAR translation
小さな両手を 大きく広げ
Big small openings big
無邪気な姿で 駆け寄ってくる
I am running in an innocent figure
抱きしめたつもりが 抱きしめられて
Hugging me as I hugged
そのぬくもりが 心を包む
That warmth wraps heart
テレビじゃ今日も 信じられない
I can not believe today even on TV
イヤなニュースが 流れてくるよ
I heard some bad news flows
「誰が悪い?」とか そうじゃないだろう
I do not think that 'Who is bad?'
Surely our love is insufficient
幸せの意味さえ あの頃と変わって
Even the meaning of happiness has changed from that time
You're a little star
You're a little star
できることなら すべての悲しみをかばいたい
I want to protect all sadness if I can
この胸に込み上げてくる 愛しさを奏でて伝えよう
Let's tell by playing the love that comes into this chest
You're a little star
You're a little star
どんな時でも その笑顔をずっと守りたい
I want to keep smiling at all times
傷ついてしまう時には 眠るまで寄り添って
When you get hurt stay close to sleep
どんな恋して どんな夢見て
What kind of love do you dream about
どんな仲間と 出会うのだろう?
What kind of friends do you meet?
裏切りや挫折も 時にあるけど
While there are betrayal and setbacks
Do not always doubt yourself
一つでも多くの 喜びを見つけて
Find at least as much pleasure
You're a little star
You're a little star
できることなら すべての悲しみをかばいたい
I want to protect all sadness if I can
この胸に込み上げてくる 愛しさを奏でて伝えよう
Let's tell by playing the love that comes into this chest
You're a little star
You're a little star
どんな時でも その笑顔をずっと守りたい
I want to keep smiling at all times
傷ついてしまう時には 眠るまで寄り添って
When you get hurt stay close to sleep
少しずつ大人へなってゆく その姿をずっと見ていたい
I want to see that figure gradually becoming an adult
暗がりが好きな世界に 星の光はまぶしい
The light of the stars is bright in the world that likes the dark
You're a little star
You're a little star
できることなら すべての悲しみをかばいたい
I want to protect all sadness if I can
この胸に込み上げてくる 愛しさを奏でて伝えよう
Let's tell by playing the love that comes into this chest
You're a little star
You're a little star
どんな時でも その笑顔をずっと守りたい
I want to keep smiling at all times
傷ついてしまう時には 眠るまで寄り添って
When you get hurt stay close to sleep
いつか僕らも そうだったように
Someday we also did so
次の世代を 歩む子達へ
To children walking to the next generation
惜しみない愛を そう愛を贈ろう
Let generous love give so much love
いつか僕らも そうだったように
Someday we also did so