Cássia Eller Infernal english translation

Cássia Eller Infernal song lyrics
Cássia Eller Infernal translation
Eu juro, eu te amo desde que eu nasci
I swear, I love you since the moment I was born
Procuro e não encontro nada igual
I look for, but I can't find anything that looks like that
Sou surdo e após sua voz ouvir
I'm deaf, and after your voice listened
O mundo que era o meu criado-mudo
To the world that once was my nightstand
Que era onde cabe tudo
Where everything fit
Que era certo em ferro e chumbo
That was made of iron and lead
Que era reto, enxergo curvo
That was flat, although I see curves
Porque a era do futuro
Because you brought for me
Você trouxe pra mim infernal
The future ages

Um sorriso você foi desenhar na palma da mão
You drew a smile on my hands
O drops Dulcora dissolve e descobre que o paraíso
The Dulcora candy dissolves and you find out that heaven
Estava onde eu achava que não e que não
Was where I didn't think it was and that the sky
É céu, não acaba, achava que era o chão
Oh, the sky, is endless, I thought it was a ground