Cunninlynguists White Guy Mind Tricks song lyrics

Cunninlynguists White Guy Mind Tricks song lyrics
Ahh shit
alright fellas you know the routine
everbody be quiet
i got this

yeah how you fellas doing tonight
any reason why you driving through here so damm fast

i dont believe our velocity was pushing legal limits

maybe you right maybe you weren't speeding
but i had a report of a stolen green van with two black men and a whoye guy

thasts confounding i never received stolen property in my life officer this is not the bright green van with two hubcaps and a cracled wind shield that your looking for

but you night be right im not really sure whyi pulled you fellas over tonighy im actually confused

im flabbergasted as well
i think why you pulled us over wss to welcome us to George send us about our way so you can subsequently go home get dreesed up lile a chicken and gave sex with your wife

welcome to George fellas you guys drives safe and im going to subsequently go home dress up like a chicken and have sex with my wife

alright officer eat shit and die