Cargo Ielele english translation
Cargo Ielele song lyrics
Cargo Ielele translation
Undeva din munte, se-aude chemare
Somewhere from the mountains, a call is heard
Ielele nebune, pregatesc licoare
Crazy faries, prepare liqueurs
Dansul lor si vraja, ne atrag spre ele
Their dance and charm, attract us to them
Se prefac din mana, stralucind inele
Upheaving the hand, gleam their rings
Ielele hoate, fetele in ie
Thief faries, girls in self
Surori si soate vor sa ne fie
Sisters and wives they want to be
Undeva din munte, se-aude chemare
Somewhere from the mountains, a call is heard
Ard multe focuri, trupurile-s goale
Burn many fires, empty bodies
Dansul lor si vraja, ne atrag spre ele
Their dance and charm, attract us to them
Duhuri se aduna, cat mai este luna
spirits gather, as long as full moon
Ielele hoate, fetele in ie
Thief faries, girls in self
Surori si soate vor sa ne fie
Sisters and wives they want to be
De-ar inceta chemarea
To stop that call
Cum muntii n-au sa-nece marea
As the mauntains have nothing to do with the sea
Sunet de poveste, veste rea...
Sounds of a story, told bad
De-ar inceta chemarea
To stop that call
Cum muntii n-au sa-nece marea
As the mauntains have nothing to do with the sea
Sunet de poveste, veste rea...
Sounds of a story, told bad
De-ar inceta chemarea
To stop that call
Cum muntii n-au sa-nece marea
As the mauntains have nothing to do with the sea
Sunet de poveste, veste rea...
Sounds of a story, told bad