Camille Lasso english translation

Camille Lasso song lyrics
Camille Lasso translation
S'il est lasse s'il est salop
If he is exhausted if he is rotten
Lance l' S.O.S l'assaut
Send an S.O.S, attack
Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky
L'as haut
Ace up
Et le saut l'y laisse
And the leap leaves him there.

Hissé haut
Pulled high
S'il est lasse
If he is exhausted
Oh, Hisse lance l'assaut
Oh, c'mon launch attack
S'il est salop
If he is rotten
Le sot l'y laisse
The stupid one leaves him there
Lance le au ciel
Throw him to the sky

Lasso s'il est lasse s'il est salop
Lasso, If he is exhausted if he is rotten
Lance l' S.O.S l'assaut
Send an S.O.S, attack
Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky
L'as haut
Ace up
Et le sot l'y laisse
And the stupid one leaves him there

S'il est salop
If he is rotten
Le sot l'y laisse
The stupid one leaves him there
Lance le au ciel
Throw him to the sky
Hissé haut
Pulled high
S'il est lasse
If he is exhausted
Oh hisse lance l'assaut
Oh, c'mon launch attack

s'il est lasse s'il est salop
If he is exhausted if he is rotten
Lance l' S.O.S l'assaut
Send an S.O.S, attack

Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky
L'as haut
Ace up
Et le sot l'y laisse
And the stupid one leaves him there

Et si tu es lasse aussi
And if you are also exhausted
Lance l' S.O.S
Send an S.O.S
Et si il est lasse aussi
And if he is also exhausted
Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky
Et si tu es lasse aussi
And if you are also exhausted
Lance l'assaut, yes!
Launch attack, yes.
Et si il est lasse aussi
And if he is also exhausted
Lance oh liesse!
Throw it. Oh, jubilation.

Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky
L'as haut
Ace up
et le sot l'y laisse
And the stupid one leaves him there
Lance l' S.O.S l'assaut
Send an S.O.S, attack
Hisse le au ciel
Pull him to the sky

Lance l'assaut
Throw attack
Lance l'assaut
Throw attack

Lasse d'être celle-ci
Tired of being this one
et si lasse que le lasso hisse
And gets tired of the pulling lasso
Lasse d'être celle-là
Tired of being that one
et je lance l'assaut isséa
And I launch attack

Je suis lasse d'être celle-ci
I'm tired of being this one
Et si lasse que le lasso glisse
And gets tired of the slipping lasso
Lasse d'être celle-là
Tired of being that one
Et je lance l'as au scélérat
And I throw the ace to the villain