BoA まもりたい~White Wishes~ english translation

BoA まもりたい~White Wishes~ song lyrics
BoA まもりたい~White Wishes~ translation
"That's it at the end" That was the faraway day I thought
今は言える 羽ばたける「始まり」だったと
Now I can say that it was a flapping "beginning"
Your warmth spreads
Gap between palm and chest
君と 行く先 探してる 心繫いで
I am looking for you with my heart

まもりたい まもられてる
I want to protect It is protected
会えない時間(とき)も ずっと
Always time when I can not meet
一秒ずつ 私達は
One second we each
Because I can become strong

広い夜空 寄り添う星達 見上げながら
Broad night sky while looking up celestial stars
The other side of irreplaceable today
Tomorrow will be born
I go between the two
この空気 大事にしたい
I want to take care of this air
透き通ってゆく 心から 優しくなれる
Be gentle from a clear-hearted heart

忘れない 君とこうして
I will not forget you like this
Sharing warmth
感じてる たったひとつ
Only one feeling
未来 照らすもの
Person who shines in the future

Grief over my sorrow
So gently melt
いつまでも いつでも
Forever and ever

まもりたい まもられてる
I want to protect It is protected
会えない時間(とき)も ずっと
Always time when I can not meet
一秒ずつ 君と 私
One second and you and me
Because I can become strong
忘れない 君に出逢って
Do not forget to meet you
生まれ 変われる 願い
Wish to be born and changed
信じてる だから 私
I believe so I
すべて 守りたい
I want to protect everything.
すべて 守りたい
I want to protect everything.