BEGIN 海の声 english translation
BEGIN 海の声 song lyrics
BEGIN 海の声 translation
空の声が 聞きたくて
I want to hear the voice of the sky
風の声に 耳すませ
With the voice of the wind
海の声が 知りたくて
I want to understand the voice of the sea
君の声を 探してる
And searching for your voice
会えない そう思うほどに
The more I think that I won't be able to meet you,
会いたい が大きくなってゆく
The more I want to meet you
川のつぶやき 山のささやき
The muttering river, the whispering mountain,
君の声のように 感じるんだ
It just feels like your voice
目を閉じれば 聞こえてくる
If I close my eyes, I can hear it
君のコロコロした 笑い声
Your pleasant, high-pitched sound of laughter
声に出せば 届きそうで 今日も 歌ってる
If it might reach you by this voice, today I'll singing as well,
Along with the voice of the sea
空の声が 聞きたくて
I want to hear the voice of the sky
風の声に 耳すませ
With the voice of the wind
海の声が 知りたくて
I want to understand the voice of the sea
君の声を 探してる
And searching for your voice
Afloat in the disappearing waves
An innocent laughing face like a child
たとえ僕が おじいさんになっても ここで 歌ってる
Even after I've become an old man, I'll keep singing here
While thinking about you only
海の声よ 風の声よ
Voice of the sea, voice of the wind
空の声よ 太陽の声よ
Voice of the sky, Voice of the sunshine
川の声よ 山の声よ
Voice of the river, voice of the mountain
僕の声を 乗せてゆけ
Will bring along my voice
海の声が 知りたくて
I want to understand the voice of the sea
君の声を 探してる
And searching for your voice