BAND-MAID Beauty and the Beast english translation
BAND-MAID Beauty and the Beast song lyrics
BAND-MAID Beauty and the Beast translation
毛細血管 熱くなる 幼少期は 貧血 虚弱なタイプ
My capillaries are getting hot, I was a weak and anemic child
oh.3.2.1 go born 信じてるよ 存在価値
oh 3.2.1 go born I believe it, the value of existing
美人薄命と 明日のあたしは
The misfortunes of a beauty and myself of tomorrow
ぶっ倒れて 君とおさらばかもね
Clashed and collapsed, and it might be farewell to you too
一人じゃイヤ 耐えられない社会
In a society where no one can endure being alone
一緒にいたい 誰よりも
More than anyone, I want you to stay with me
なんで? なんで? なんで? 誰よりも
Why? Why? Why? more than anyone
凹んでんなよ ガキじゃあるまいし
Don't cave in, it's not like you can lock yourself
潔の悪さ イライラしてくる
I'll just get irritated by the cons of your gallantry
殴りたいけど 許してるワケは どうだっていい
I want to hit you, I don't care if you'll forgive me or not
Look! Beauty and the beast 恋してる暇はありません
Look! Beauty and beast, I don't have time to fall in love
don't stop! 胸にある 夢なら かなえなけりゃ 張っ倒す
don't stop! the dream in my heart won't be fulfilled unless I bring you down
It's boring in the city ありふれた女と笑ってよ
It's boring in the city, laugh with this plain woman
oh yeah. 男なら もっと強くなって ずっとそばにいてね
oh yeah if you are a man, then become stronger and stay with me always
神経衰弱 眠くなる 反抗期は 律儀にこなしたタイプ
Nervous breakdown, I'm getting sleepy, I was diligent as I was rebellious
oh.3.2.1 go born 感じてない 満足感
oh.3.2.1 go born I'm not feeling it, the feeling of satisfaction
急がば回れと トロ臭くて無理
People say "Haste makes waste", but I cannot do it as it is too slow for me
ぶっちぎるだけ 直線で生きてく
But by just slashing through, I'm just living in a straight line
街には雨 ずぶ濡れになる
I'm soaked by the rain in this town
終電がヤバイ 突っ走る
Yikes – the last train, I ran as fast as I can
いいね いいね いいね 間に合った
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I made it in time
改札ぬけて アイツのもとまで
With soaked feet, I once again ran
も一度走る ヌタヌタの足で
Past the ticket gate and to your side
どうして奴を 放っとけないのか? どうだっていい
How come I can't leave you alone? well, whatever
Look! Beauty and the beast 恋してる暇はありません
Look! Beauty and beast, I don't have time to fall in love
don't stop! 胸にある 夢なら かなえなけりゃ 張っ倒す
don't stop! the dream in my heart won't be fulfilled unless I bring you down
It's boring in the city ありふれた女と笑ってよ
It's boring in the city, laugh with this plain woman
oh yeah. 男なら もっと強くなって ずっとそばにいてね
oh yeah if you are a man, then become stronger and stay with me always