Auxili L'ona english translation
Auxili L'ona song lyrics
Auxili L'ona translation
Vam cantar al vent de llevant, al sud valent,
We sang to the east wind, to the brave south,
de paper de paper, vam fer un vaixell.
Of paper, of paper, we made a ship.
Ei, càrrega al fusell, amb les
Hey, load on the rifle, with the
memòries que guardàvem baix la pell.
Memories that we kept under our skin.
Mar Mediterrani, massacre cultural
Mediterranean Sea, cultural massacre
vam desplegar la vela per tornar a navegar.
We unfolded the sail to navigate again.
Afonàrem el rencor que va fer niu,
We sank the grudge that made the nest,
remàrem fort en contra del suïcidi col•lectiu.
We'll paddle strong against collective suicide.
Ben vius, ben vius, estem ben vius.
Fully alive, fully alive, we are very alive.
Al merder del poder resistim,
Against the mess of power we resist
amb la mentida a la deriva,
With the drifting lie,
solcarem, guanyarem, desobeint.
We'll crack, we'll win, disobeying.
I una ona ferotge enmig del mar salvatge
And a fierce wave in the middle of the wild sea
impulsa aquest vaixell entre l'oratge
Boost this ship between the waves
de lleis, reis, de bitllets, d'excés.
Of laws, kings, tickets, excesses.
Serem pirates, sempre a punt per l'abordatge.
We will be pirates, always ready for the boarding.
Torna, retorna la força de l'ona que erosiona,
Back, returns the force of the wave that erodes,
farem nostre aquest mar que mai es conforma.
We will make ours this sea that never conforms.
Dóna-li la volta, ballem a contra.
Turn around, we'll dance against it.
Far de rebel·lia que ens guia
Lighthouse of rebellion that guides us
i, fent camí, fem la victòria,
And, walking the way, we make the victory,
un vell acord, una nova melodia,
An old chord, a new melody,
sempre a bord, a l'Auxili d'altre dia.
Always on board, to the Auxilium of anuther day.
Res acaba, tot comença,
Nothing ends, everything starts,
hem arribat a port i la ciutat és immensa,
We have reached the port and the city is immense,
l'ona es cola, poc a poc rebenta
The waves enters, slowly explodes.
aquells ciments de la vella València.
Those cements of the old Valencia.
Sense pressa, juguem en calma tensa,
Without hurry, we play in calm tense,
on no és qui guanye, és qui no es vença.
The one who is not the one who gains, is the one who does not overcome.
A l'horitzó es prepara tempesta,
On the horizon, storm is ready
tornem a la mar preparem la gesta.
Let's go back to sea prepare the deed.
Que una ona ferotge enmig del mar salvatge
The fierce wave inn the wild sea
impulsa aquest vaixell i per bandera
Boost this ship that has as a flag
quatre barres, una calavera i un missatge:
Four bars, a skull and a message:
serem pirates sempre apunt per l'abordatge.
We'll be pirates always ready for boarding.
Torna, retorna la força de l'ona que erosiona,
Back, returns the force of the wave that erodes,
farem nostre aquest mar que mai es conforma.
We will make ours this sea that never conforms.
Dóna-li la volta, ballem a contra.
Turn around, we'll dance against it.