Anne Linnet Tal Til Mig english translation
Anne Linnet Tal Til Mig song lyrics
Anne Linnet Tal Til Mig translation
Tal til mig,
Talk to me
sig mig hva' dine drømme vil,
Tell me what your dream want
vil du mig
Do you want me?
mer' end helt ud i hænderne,
More than whole out in hands
mer' end helt ind i kroppen,
More than whole in the body
ligeså langt ind i tiden vi ka' nå,
Just as long as the time we can reach
tal til mig.
Talk to me
Tal til mig,
Talk to me
sig mig hva' dine øjne ser,
Tell me what your eyes sees
ser de dig
Do they see me?
sammen med mig i en hverdag,
Together with me in an everyday
sammen med mig når du vågner,
Together with me when you awake
ligeså langt ind i tiden vi ka' nå,
Just as long as the time we can reach
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig.
Talk to me
Søde ord der hviskes
Sweet words who whispers
de må sige hvad de vil,
They may say what they want
suk der lover alting
Sigh there promises everything
hører nattehjerte til,
To hear heart of the night to
søde ord der hviskes,
Sweet words who whispers
danser let og danser rundt,
Light dancing and dancing round
hold nu mig, men gør mit hverdagshjerte lidt for tungt,
Hold me now, but do my everyday's heart a bit too heavy
så tal til mig.
So talk to me
Tal til mig,
Talk to me
gør mig tryg ved dine ord,
Do me safe by your words
er de ord
Are they words
der lover mer' end de ka' holde,
Who promise more than they can hold
og lover mer' end de ka' gi',
And promise more than they can give
ord der kun ta'r tiden man si'r er min,
Words there only takes the time you says are mine
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig.
Talk to me
Tal til mig,
Talk to me
og gi' mig kys af din mund,
And give me kiss of your mouth
la' mig tro
Let me think
det mit hjerte begærer,
It's my heart desire
det er her det vil være,
It's here, it will be
ligeså langt ind i tiden vi ka' nå,
Just as long as the time we can reach
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig.
Talk to me
Og sig at det mit hjerte begærer,
And say that my heart desire
det er her det vil være,
It's here, it will be
ligeså langt ind i tiden vi ka' nå,
Just as long as the time we can reach
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig.
Talk to me
Og sig at det mit hjerte begærer,
And say that my heart desire
det er her det vil være,
It's here, it will be
ligeså langt ind i tiden vi ka' nå,
Just as long as the time we can reach
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig,
Talk to me
tal til mig.
Talk to me
(Kom, tal til mig)
(Come, talk to me)
(Tal til mig)
Talk to me