Anacondaz Против системы english translation
Anacondaz Против системы song lyrics
Anacondaz Против системы translation
Мы собрались сегодня здесь, чтобы выразить свойпротест системе, которая нас порабощает. Так давайте же поднимем руки вверх, и все увидят, что мы действительно против. Наши намерения тверды, как мой чл...
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
По всем углам квартиры хаотично раскидаю носки,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Майку не закину в корзину - пусть на спинке висит.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Назло зеленым буду бросаться бычками от сиг,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Бесконтрольно тратить воду и свет не гасить.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
В сторону домашнюю пищу - захаваю пиццу,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Не пойду на работу - буду в денди рубиться.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
На полной громкости нетленное "Fuck Da Police",
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Асоциальность поведения переходит все границы.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Вокруг продажные суки, рука сама сжимается
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
В жилистый кулак с оттопыренным средним пальцем.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Этот рефлекторный жест - непроизвольная реакция
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
И мой универсальный ответ в любой ситуации.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Бунтаря выдают поступки и мятежный норов,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Партак на лопатки, протестный музон из колонок,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Агитплакаты в спальне на обшарпанных стенах.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Да, я такой. Пусть все знают, что я против системы.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я приведу домой бомжа: мне его жаль.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Постелю ему на кухне - он не будет мешать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
За окном небезопасно, темно и холодно.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я обниму его покрепче и уткнусь ему в бороду.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я приведу домой бомжа: мне его жаль.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Постелю ему на кухне - он не будет мешать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Спокойно попивая кофе и горячий чай,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Будем смотреть с ним "Вести" и злобно ворчать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
С меня достаточно, финиш, я подошел к черте.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Сколько можно терпеть это беспредел.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
И меня бесят все, и мне тут места нет.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Эту гнилую систему я на себе вертел.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Согласно принятому ГОСТу с кровью и потом
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я должен растить потомство и всю жизнь работать,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Но мои обвисшие мышцы и третий подбородок
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все своим видом скажут: "Вот она свобода".
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Человек обязан быть послушным и покорным,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Чтобы ходил только по зебрам и по светофорам,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Даже в машине на него набросили ремень -
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Это хомут, чтобы всех нас держать в узде.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Сотрясать воздух очень легко и просто.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
А вам слабо выйти за хлебом в маске Гая Фокса?
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
и после крикнуть в голос: "Все, что мог, я сделал,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Не преклонил колено. Бойся меня, система."
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я приведу домой бомжа: мне его жаль.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Постелю ему на кухне - он не будет мешать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
За окном небезопасно, темно и холодно.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я обниму его покрепче и уткнусь ему в бороду.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Я приведу домой бомжа: мне его жаль.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Постелю ему на кухне - он не будет мешать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Спокойно попивая кофе и горячий чай,
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Будем смотреть с ним "Вести" и злобно ворчать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
-Пора встать с колен, вместе мы все изменим.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
-Окей. А что если я не вставал на колени?
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
-Посмотри вокруг, пора открыть глаза.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
-Мои глаза открыты и я все вижу сам.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Трубадур не так уж свободен и несгибаем.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Беззубый рот, поджатый хвост и пустые слова.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Среди врагов системы катастрофически мало
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Тех, кто реально способен ее сломать.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...
Все катится к чертям.
We have gathered here today to express our protest of the system that enchains us. So c'mon already get your hands up, and all will see, that we're truly against (the system). Our intentions are hard, like my di...