Amr Diab ساعة الفراق english translation

Amr Diab ساعة الفراق song lyrics
Amr Diab ساعة الفراق translation
ساعة الفراق ماتلومش حد علي اللي قالو
At parting don't blame anyone on what he said
واهو كلمتين بيهونو الجرح اللي فينا
they're just words to relieve the pain we have
وكل واحد بعدها بيروح لحاله
and after that everyone walks away
مش كل حاجه نعوزها نلقاها في ايدينا
we can't get whatever we look for
كلنا بنقول هننسى والفراق ميهمناش
We all say "we'll forget. Parting, that doesn't matter"
نفترق وتعدى فترة واحنا لسة منسيناش
we part, and time passes and still we didn't forget
كل واحد قاله كلمه قال ياريتني ما قولتهاش
One said a word, then he says "I wish I never said that"
في الدنيا مين يعرف نهايه اختياره
All over the world, who knows where his choices take him to?
في حاجات كتيره بتبقي غايبه عن عينينا
A lot of things are out of our sight
بنشوفها لما الحب بينا بتهدي ناره
we only see them when the fire of our love calms down
ولما كل حاجه حلوة تهون علينا
and when every good thing is now nothing for us
كلنا بنقول هننسى والفراق ميهمناش
We all say "we'll forget. Parting, that doesn't matter"
نفترق وتعدى فترة واحنا لسة منسيناش
we part, and time passes and still we didn't forget
كل واحد قالة كلمة قال ياريتنى ماقولتهاش
One said a word, then he says "I wish I never said that"