Amr Diab ريحة الحبايب english translation

Amr Diab ريحة الحبايب song lyrics
Amr Diab ريحة الحبايب translation
اي حاجة تيجي من ريحة الحبايب
whatever comes from the loved ones
بطمن قلبي المشغول علي اللي غايب
reassures my heart about the absent one
كلمتين يقالوا منه ولا عنو
two words said by her or about her

بطمن قلبي المشغول علي اللي غايب
reassures my heart about the absent one
اي حاجة تيجي من ريحة الحبايب
whatever comes from the loved ones
بطمن قلبي الي مشغول اللي غايب
reassure my heart that's worried about the absent one
كلمتين يتقالوا منه ولا عنه
two words said by her or about her
يطمن قلبي المشغول علي اللي غايب
reassure my heart that's worried about the absent one
لسه سامع كل كلمة قالها لي
I still hear every word she told me
لسه شايفه زي ما يكون بين اديه
I still see her as if she was between my hands
اه يا شوق خليك بقي حنين عليا
oh longing please be gentle on me
وريحلي قلبي المشغول علي اللي غايب
and ease up my heart that's worried about the absent one
اي حاجة تيجي من ريحة الحبايب
whatever comes from the loved ones
بطمن قلبي المشغول علي اللي غايب
reassures my heart about the absent one
كلمتين يتقالوا منه ولا عنه
two words said by her or about her
يطمن قلبي اللي مشغول علي اللي غايب
reassure my heart that's worried about the absent one
عايشه اشواقنا الوفيه فيه وفيا
our loyal feeling live inside me and her
اسأل من بعيد لبعيد يسأل عليا
I ask about her from a far (indirectly), so she asks about me
دا الل زيه مش كتير في الدنيا دياه
there aren't many people who are like her in this world
دا انا قلبي والله مشتاق لاغلي الحبايب
oh I swear that my heart is longing to the most precious loved one
اي حاجة تيجي من ريحة الحبايب
whatever comes from the loved ones
بطمن قلبي اللي مشغول علي اللي غايب
reassure my heart that's worried about the absent one
كلمتين يتقالوا منه ولا عنه
two words said by her or about her
يطمن قلبي اللي مشغول علي اللي غايب
reassure my heart that's worried about the absent one