Amr Diab Aref Habiby english translation
Amr Diab Aref Habiby song lyrics
Amr Diab Aref Habiby translation
عارف حبيبى اللى زود ف الخلاف
Babe do you know what made the argument more?
بقيت بلاقى بيننا مليون اختلاف
I find a million differences
أنا كل ماعمل حاجة بينا تقربك
Everytime I do somehing to make you closer..
مبقاتش الاقى حاجة واحدة تعجبك
I can't find anything you like anymore
وأما أسألك بتحبنى وتقولى اه
And when I ask you do you love me? And you say yes!
مبقتش قادر اصدقك وبقيت بخاف
I became can't believe you and became afraid
نفس إللي إتنين إللي إتفقوا وما بينهم وعد
Same the two who have a deal
خايف بأديهم يتفارقم ويموتوا بعض
Afraid by their ownselves they separate and kill each other
لا بقيت تسمعني وتفهمني ولا حاسس بيا
You dont't listen to me and understand me nor feel me anymore..
وكأني عدوك وسعادتك في عذابك ليا
Like I'm your enemy, And your happiness Is by tormenting me
وأما أسألك بتحبنى وتقولى اه
And when I ask you do you love me? And you say yes!
مبقتش قادر اصدقك وبقيت بخاف
I became can't believe you and became afraid
هو إحنا مالنا وإيه جرالنا وليه كدا
What's wrong with us and what happened to us, and why all that!?
هو إحنا مالنا وليه وصلنا لكل ده
What's wrong with us and why we reached to all this.