Amna In oglinda english translation
Feat Robert TomaAmna In oglinda song lyrics
Amna In oglinda translation
Poate-ti pare un cliseu,
Maybe you see it as a cliche
Nu-i ceva ce spun mereu
It's not something I say often
Tie chiar ti-as da numele meu
I really would gave you my name
Cu vorbele nu te juca
Don't play with the words
Stii ca m-ai ranit candva
You know you did hurt me someday
Promite-mi ca n-ai sa ma lasi la greu
Promise me you won't leave me at tough times
In oglinda mea te vad o viata intreaga
In my mirror I see you a lifetime
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
Acum sunt tanara, poate-i normal sa-ti fiu draga
Now I'm young, maybe it's normal to be your darling
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
In oglinda mea te-as privi o viata intreaga
In my mirror I would look at you a lifetime
(o viata intreaga, o viata intreaga)
(a lifetime, a lifetime)
Poate-ti pare un cliseu ca iti amintesc mereu
Maybe you see it as a cliche that i always remind you
Tu candva nu ai mai fost al meu
You weren't mine anymore someday
Dar gandul la tine zboara neincetat, nu ma pot abtine
But my thought of you flies endlessly, I can't hold back
Mi-ar fi mai usor daca langa mine ai fii tu
It would be easier if next to me were you
In oglinda mea te vad o viata intreaga
In my mirror I see you a lifetime
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
Cum sunt tanara, poate-i normal sa-ti fiu draga
Now I'm young, maybe it's normal to be your darling
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
Stop! Tu chiar nu te gandesti la mine mai deloc
Stop! You don't even think of me at all
Cum sa te gandesti ca pot sa nu te pun in viata mea pe primul loc
How to think I can not to place you in the first place in my life
Tu pentru mine esti tot!
You are everythink for me!
Lasa-ti grijile in grija mea
Leave your worries in my account
Toate intrebarile tale gasesc raspuns in inima mea
All your questions find answers in my heart
In oglinda mea te vad o viata intreaga
In my mirror I see you a lifetime
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
Cum sunt tanara, poate-i normal sa-ti fiu draga
Now I'm young, maybe it's normal to be your darling
Oare ma vei iubi la fel si dupa ce anii o sa treaca?
Will you still love the same even after the years will pass?
In oglinda mea, in oglinda mea, in oglinda mea esti tu
In my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror
In oglinda mea, in oglinda mea, in oglinda mea esti tu
In my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror