Alternosfera Închisoarea albă english translation

Alternosfera Închisoarea albă song lyrics
Alternosfera Închisoarea albă translation
Tot ce-am vrut sa-ti spun odata
All I ever wanted to say to you
Intr-o scrisoare a-ncaput
Had room in one sole letter
Era alba inchisoare
It was a white prison
C-un sfasrsit si-un inceput
With a beginning and an ending

Randuri rupte puse-n foaie
Ripped up lines placed on paper
Dungi de gheata peste tot
Strips of ice everywhere
Nu aveam un plic cu timbru
I didn't have an envelope with a stamp
Mi-era frig si i-am dat foc
I was cold and I made a fire with it

Vreau sa stiu, ce te apasa
I want to know what burdens you
Spune-mi tot, ori nu-ti mai pasa
Tell me all, or you don't care anymore
Ce-a mai ramas, ma-ntreb in scuze
All that is left, i ask myself in apologies
Ce gand iti tremura pe buze
What thought trembles on your lips

Scaparea-i noaptea-n, nepasare
The escape is the night, in ignorance
Am scris o alba, inchisoare
I wrote a white prison
Am dat de frig, de bun sub piele
I felt cold, good under my skin
Am dat de plumb ascuns sub gene
I found lead under my eyelashes
Oare nu-ti mai paaaasaaaa!
Maybe you don't care anymore

Am cersit la cer prea multe
I begged the sky for to much
Mi-am dorit ce n-am avut
I desired what wasn't mine
Ce credeam ca nu voi pierde
I thought I wouldn't lose
Ieri deja era pierdut
Yesterday was already lost

Prea mult timp am stat sub usa
I've stayed under the door for too long
Ma temeam sa trec de prag
I was afraid to pass the threshold
Am mutit vazand cum nordul
I died watching how the North
Sufla-n tine-n lung si-n lat
Was blowing you away

Vreau sa stiu, ce te apasa
I want to know what burdens you
Spune-mi tot, ori nu-ti mai pasa
Tell me all, or you don't care anymore
Ce-a mai ramas, ma-ntreb in scuze
All that is left, i ask myself in apologies
Ce gand iti tremura pe buze
What thought trembles on your lips

Scaparea-i noaptea-n, nepasare
The escape is the night, in ignorance
Am scris o alba, inchisoare
I wrote a white prison
Am dat de frig, de bun sub piele
I felt cold, good under my skin
Am dat de plumb ascuns sub gene
I found lead under my eyelashes
Oare nu-ti mai paaaasaaaa!
Maybe you don't care anymore