Alejandro Fernandez Pude english translation

Alejandro Fernandez Pude song lyrics
Alejandro Fernandez Pude translation
Pude, decir que no eres lo que yo buscaba
I could, say that you are not what I was looking for
Y que tú solamente me gustabas para pasar el rato y nada más
And that you only liked to pass the time and nothing else
Pude, pero mi no me gustan las mentiras y preferí decir que te quería
I could, but I do not like lies and I preferred to say that I loved you
Aunque entiendo que debí callar
Although I understand that I should have kept quiet
Pude tomarte solamente como un juego
I could only take you as a game
Pero me hice ilusiones con tus besos y ahora sólo me toca aceptar
But I became illusions with your kisses and now I just have to accept

Que pude haber sido más maduro o ser más inteligente
That I could have been more mature or smarter
Para darme cuenta a tiempo que tú no ibas a quererme
To realize in time that you were not going to love me
Y saber que tú conmigo te querías divertir
And to know that you with me you wanted to have fun
O pude haber escondido mis cartas o tal vez sólo mentirte
Or I could have hidden my letters or maybe just lie to you
Para que no te asustaras y decirte que tu amor no me importaba
So you would not be scared and tell you that your love did not matter to me
Y es tan claro que tú seguirías aquí
And it's so clear that you would still be here
Pude haber dejado las cursilerías para otra relación
I could have left the corners for another relationship
Pero siempre que me entrego me domina el corazón
But whenever I surrender, my heart dominates
Y por eso aunque pude hoy me quedo sin tu amor
And that's why even though I could today I'm without your love

Pude tomarte solamente como un juego
I could only take you as a game
Pero me hice ilusiones con tus besos y ahora sólo me toca aceptar
But I became illusions with your kisses and now I just have to accept

Que pude haber sido más maduro o ser más inteligente
That I could have been more mature or smarter
Para darme cuenta a tiempo que tú no ibas a quererme
To realize in time that you were not going to love me
Y saber que tú conmigo te querías divertir
And to know that you with me you wanted to have fun
O pude haber escondido mis cartas o tal vez sólo mentirte
Or I could have hidden my letters or maybe just lie to you
Para que no te asustaras y decirte que tu amor no me importaba
So you would not be scared and tell you that your love did not matter to me
Y es tan claro que tú seguirías aquí
And it's so clear that you would still be here
Pude haber dejado las cursilerías para otra relación
I could have left the corners for another relationship
Pero siempre que me entrego me domina el corazón
But whenever I surrender, my heart dominates
Y por eso aunque pude hoy me quedo sin tu amor
And that's why even though I could today I'm without your love