Ahli Fiqir Derita Merindu english translation
Ahli Fiqir Derita Merindu song lyrics
Ahli Fiqir Derita Merindu translation
Kau katakan cinta gunakan akal
you say love to use common sense
Bila aku gunakan, kau yang menyangkal
when i use, you are denied
Bagaimana nak kekal
how to remain
Kau katakan cinta gunakan minda
you say love using mind
Bila aku gunakan
when i use
Kau yang tak percaya? bagaimana nak bahagia
you who do not believe, how to be happy
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
sorry you did not mean, you easily regret
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
have you repeatedly deny
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
oiliness promised fooled again
Menanti biar terus didustai
I'll keep waiting deceived
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom
Dan aku cuba sedaya upaya
and i try my best
Telah ku usaha dengan sepenuh jiwa
has been my effort with all my soul
Bagaimana hendak ku lupa
how do i forget
bayangan wajahmu selalu di depan mata
shadow your face always in sight
harum baumu masih dapat ku hidu
can you smell my scent still alive
Bagaimana ingin aku membencimu
how would I hate you
Jikalau setiap hari merindu
if every day longing
Sekiranya derita merinduimu itu sebenarnya bahagia.
if pain wistfully is actually happiness
Aku pilih derita.
i choose pain
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom
Mungkinkah esok atau lusa walau biarpun lama
could the next day or so even though the old
Akan ku biar tiada, ku tetap kan setia
i will let no, i will remain faithful
Entah bila akan tiba sampai jua harimu yang sama
i do not know if anything will come to you the same day
Esok seperti semalaman yang tak berubah
overnight tomorrow as unchanging
Kaulah tanda tanya? kau tiada titik noktah
you're the question mark? you do not have a stop
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
lulled by dreams feel half asleep awakened again
Kaulah tanda tanya? kau tiada titik noktah
you're the question mark? you do not have a stop
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
lulled by dreams feel half asleep awakened again
Seandainya kau berada di depan mata
if you were in front of the eye
Walaupun belum tentu kau mahu bertemu
while you do not necessarily want to meet
Apalagi memandangku
moreover, looking at me
Setelah ku turutkan segala kemahuan kau mainkan perasaan
after all i comply with your wishes, you play feeling
Begitu mudah kau ucapkan terimalah saja kenyataan?
so easy you say accept the fact
Aku masih terkilan
I still aggrieved
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
sorry you did not mean, you easily regret
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
have you repeatedly deny
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
oiliness promised fooled again
Menanti biar terus didustai
I'll keep waiting deceived
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom
Jika kau dapat memahami hati seorang perindu
if you can understand the heart of one who yearns
Baru kau tahu derita hatiku
just you know my heart pain
Jika suatu hari nanti giliran kau merindu
if someday turn you crave
Baru kau ingat derita diriku
just remember the pain myself
Segala yang berlaku bukan kemahuanku
all applicable not my will
Apa gunanya bahgia
what good is happy
Jikalau bahagia bersamamu hanyalah untuk sementara waktu
if happy with you just for a while
Aku pilih derita merinduimu
i choose to suffer miss you
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
sorry you did not mean, you easily regret
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
have you repeatedly deny
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
oiliness promised fooled again
Menanti biar terus didustai
I'll keep waiting deceived
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
you're happy (for me)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
you're the one suffering (for you)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
the day after tomorrow you, yet you do not know by whom