Agnes Monica Karena Ku Sanggup english translation

Agnes Monica Karena Ku Sanggup song lyrics
Agnes Monica Karena Ku Sanggup translation
Biar aku sentuhmu
Let me touch you
Berikan ku rasa itu
Give me that feel
Your embraces
Yang dulu
That was
Pernah buatku
Ever for me

Ku tak bisa paksamu
I'm not able to force you
Tuk tinggal di sisiku
To stay beside me
Walau kau yang
Eventhough you're the one that

Selalu sakiti aku
Used to hurt me

Dengan perbuatanmu
with your behaviour

Namun sudah
But now
Kau pergilah
Just you go

Jangan kau sesali
Don't you ever regret it

Karena ku sanggup
Cause I'm able

Walau ku tak mau
Though I don't want to
Berdiri sendiri tanpamu
Standing alone without of you

Ku mau kau
I want you

Tak usah ragu
Not to hesitate
Tinggalkan aku
To leave me
Oh kalau memang
Oh, if was
Harus begitu
went to be
Tak yakin
Ku kan mampu
I'll be able
Hapus rasa sakitku
Erase my hurt
Ku selalu perjuangkan
I'm always fighting for
Cinta kita namun
Our love but
Apa salahku
What wrong am i
Hingga ku tak layak
Until I don't deserve
To get
Your wholeheartedly-ness
Uhuu huuu
Uhuu Huuu
Karena ku sanggup
Cause I'm able
Walau ku tak mau
Though I don't want to
Berdiri sendiri tanpamu
Standing alone without of you
Ku mau kau
I want you
Tak usah ragu
Not to hesitate
Tinggalkan aku
To leave me
Oh kalau memang
Oh, if was
Harus begitu
went to be
Oooh WouHoooo
Oooh WouHoooo
Ahaaa Haaaaah
Ahaaa Haaaaah
Karena ku sanggup
Cause I'm able
Walau ku tak mau
Though I don't want to
Berdiri sendiri tanpamu
Standing alone without of you
Aku mau kau
I want you
Tak usah ragu
Not to hesitate
Tinggalkan aku
To leave me
Haa kalau memang
Haa if was
Harus begitu
went to be
Tak perlu kau buat
Don't you make
Aku mengerti
Me undserstand
Just you smile
Karna kusanggup
Because iam able